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DC-10 KSEA P3DV3.0


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2 hours ago, LarryA said:

Great screen shots Picture Perfect and a beautiful bird.

Thank you Larry

57 minutes ago, Adam_NZ said:

Great news - and great pics as well!

The DC10 brought my PC to its knees in P3Dv2.5 (but oddly OK in FSX/DX10). Is it still a bit of a dog in P3Dv3?

I suppose I could always uninstall the damn' thing if it doesn't behave :P



Thanks Adam. Only installing stuff with the official installers, don't want to bugger things up.

The DC-10 is not too bad in V3.0 Adam once I got away from KSEA. Went well in V2.4 too, skipped v2.5.

I get rid of stuff that does not perform, like the Aerosoft A318/9/20/21 bundle.

More than happy with V3.0 at present interesting to see what happens when the airports start coming out with quad installers.

1 hour ago, Voyager said:

Impressive shots Martyn!

I'm glad you're managing to place your aircrafts on P3Dv3!



Thanks Voyager, only proper installers for me thanks to my penchant for messing things up too easily.

58 minutes ago, TheMan_RJ said:

Great shots Martyn and specially over a troublesome area like KSEA (with or without add on scenery). :)

Cheers RJ, could have been smoother but made it out without any dramas.

56 minutes ago, rick66 said:

Nice Pics Martyn... nice Aircraft...

Thanks Rick, she is a top plane.

27 minutes ago, Neptune6 said:


What else ? , nothing , all nice Pics



Cheers Patrick.

1 minute ago, Mark Abdey said:

Very nice set... esp. the last one.

Thanks Mark, just using the ORBX weather at the moment. Does the job doesn't it.


Many thanks to you all for your great response. Your wonderful comments are greatly appreciated.

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17 hours ago, Orbxtreme said:

Superb shots, the DC-10 and this beautiful scenery go well together.

Cheers Francois

16 hours ago, BradB said:

Grand shots with your DC10 Martyn !! .





Thanks Brad

1 hour ago, Iain Emms said:

Fantastic shots Martyn.



Thank you Iain.


17 hours ago, gumbypickett said:

Great shots KDK of what has become another rare bird:rolleyes:

cheers Gumby 

Thanks Gumby. Too many aircraft inn my hangar and sadly I can only fly them one at a time.


Many thanks kind sirs for leaving your messages.

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