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John Heaton

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Everything posted by John Heaton

  1. John is 3 years older than me - and therefore more experienced. - and he says he doesn't fly sims these days soooh - he has more time on his hands
  2. gee - thanks mate - the impressionist route is exactly what I took for most of my work - but not an mS screenshot !! Here's a Turneresq view of an Orbx screenshot
  3. took my first flight from Milford Sound - very disappointed - didn't seem to be as good as the previous basic offering the edges of the water is sooooh sharp - no landings/beaches The Hard Standing for aircraft and choppers is in the middle of the runway on World map As I took off in the 152 a bus drove across the runway
  4. My story is the complete opposite! Sometime around 2000 i got fed up with Flight simming and went completely away from it to photography and its various Manipulations creating a sort of artwork - especially the creation of very large Panoramas of the area around Noosa where we lived at the time - and the production of DVDs for people from their 8mm films. This was a 180 of my garage and workroom When we moved here to the GC - I took up painting in oils and acrylics - in a group of like-minded artists in a forum very much like this one - until the "one who has to be obeyed"- refused to let me hang anymore in the house or garage heres one of Melbourne Then - since Orbx had infused the thought in me - and P3D seemed to be much better - I dusted off the early peripherals and went back to simming - and a huge investment in software - and then came along - the Giant MSFS - more investment in hardware and software - my wife no longer complains about me spending all my time in my flight room - and no more smell of paint around the house Spooooh!! - Off I go - into the Wild Blue Yonder - around 8 hours per day - and loving it - snags and all
  5. Very pleased that your happy with reverse Technolgy mate - but sorry you threw away the Bravo before I got the chance to help My bravo does everything I want - especially the Autopilot controls that make it so that I don't have to fiddle with MOUSE when bouncing around in rough air You said that you were using the 0 - 100 axis for the throttle - I think that is where you were going wrong i also bought the airbus addon on which makes life a little better than the keys supplied for the Boeing aircraft - more robust on the retard engine use - and i use them for all the Twin jets
  6. as one approaches 90 times around the sun - memories fade a 'little' - and although my best memory was the Commodore version and the most recent is the enjoyment of P3D with TE etc. and a goodly choice of hardware - great examples of aircraft I flew in my PPL days. The only other one was whatever version of the sim was in the early part of the 2000s was Just flight's VFR scenery of the Uk However, it doesn't task the memory very much to appreciate the latest choice of MSFS and the huge choice of scenery and aircraft with the icing on the cake being the coming A2A Commanche my favourite single to fly back in the PPL days
  7. whoops!! -although it almost described me not you - but what I meant was "Antipodean " now - you can google that
  8. I join the other 2 above with an Antediluvian birthday greeting Rodger - and the thanks for one subject that keeps this forum alive every week
  9. my wife - she's lasted longer than 6 dogs -- 2 cats - and countless goldfish and Budgies------ - and doesn't smell when cuddling in bed
  10. just to be a little different - why not consider an Australian airport - Orbx have got what you would need - and we are screaming at them to produce the second biggest airport in Australia - at Melbourne Tullarmarine - or even the busiest GA airfield Moorabbin in Victoria Much bigger challenges for your talents have a chat to our ED
  11. i was hoping you would see this --- can you tell us more ? - compared to XP ? - if you are in the beta - it might not be toooooo long
  12. It isn't the number of dials and switches that frightens me - it's how can I reach them - past that HUGE "Joystick" - the mind boggles
  13. Ever since I read this book by Derek Robinson - I have been even more interested in the British Vulcan than the time that I stood. under the bomb bay of the aircraft - amidst a typical - conventional Bomb load in the Hendon Aircraft Museum in London I could never afford the price of this aircraft in Just Flights version for the X plane or P3D - and I read that 2 years ago - they had decided to produce a version for MSFS - and at the time I asked one of our Friends @wain71what he knew of it - and vowed that if it did come to MSFS - my OA pension would take a knocking It looks as if that will soon be true - after today's announcement in FS Elite that the bird is coming to MSFS really soon The pic of the cockpit - terrifies this old blokes brain however Hopefully this bloke will still be around when it happens
  14. A flight plan prepared in Little Map -- show the elevations for the whole trip
  15. Once upon a time when I was a very young apprentice Fitter -- chewing gum for the English was rather a new sweet. I loved it and was always with a wad of gum in my mouth - and the nickname that was given to me would serve as a call sign. They said that because of the gum chewing I looked like a COW chewing it's cudd
  16. What makes you think that JV has "LEFT" ? - what? - the room? -- the building? - the company ? A simple perusal of the company's annual results - shows that JV holds some 90+% of the issued shares sometimes - it just pays you guys who think that airports and sceneries literally grow on trees to think a litle more about what it is you are asking for - when you want your local airport for the New MSFS sim Even a small one would take at least 3 months of say 2 blokes working together to produce one of the Quality that would be worth selling - e.g. - 2 x 3 months wage - say a cheap $50k. - which in turn at a reasonable selling price of $25 - would need to sell 2000 downloads - How long would it take - and at what cost would YBML take - and that's an airport that would not be a priority - of non Australians Orbx were pioneers in there early days and those of us who have been around since those early days of 2008 remember the breakthrough that Orbx made with their T.E. series and making great strides in the sims of the day 2 years ago - MSFS made the latest base scenery breakthrough to where we are today - which leaves only airports and every man and his dog - are knee deep in producing them - so why should Orbx try to compete with these smaller developers - when they can expand the business - by adding the work of a distributor for such developers Almost - one might say - taking a leaf out of the successful Just Flight company whose VFR Real Scenery helped them make a similar start in Flight simming as Orbx FX back in 2008 (I still have a full set) Despite all that has gone on before - a company is there to make a profit - and there is ONE of the answers to why Orbx has gone seemingly into a shell - IN THIS THREAD Take a look at the results of Orbx in the years 2020 and 2021 and weep ----- if you are a shareholder Just before I stared this diatribe - I took a look at what I had spent since MSFS with Orbx - and it is damn near as much as i spent in the previous 10 years on P3D and XP11 - all of which are now in my trash bin - so Orbx can't blame me
  17. this thread reminds me of 70 years ago when as a young man - I was chained to a drawing board for 40 hours a week and the general feeling was T.G.I.F. no doubt - that will be Rodger's conclusion - which is Saturday in Australia - and maybe - still Thursday in Polynesia
  18. Now released - MSFS F/A-18C Legacy Hornet ยป Microsoft Flight Simulator
  19. I like apples - and not being barefoot and pregnant in the Kitchen
  20. A very good meaningless question - which is too difficult to tax this old brainbox - but to pinch Pukclip's answer - anYdaY
  21. sorry guys !! - I am just the opposite - even after 40 years of flight simming - I can't find enough hours to have my fun in the skies - and all the little problems that it brings - to keep the old brain box exercised Unfortunately I have to sleep sometime - maybe i should give up my Orbx Forum time I will admit to a period around 5 years ago - I dropped it for a while and retook up painting Impressionist artwork - until the missus complained at the volume of paintings I turned out - filling the walls of the house and garage
  22. In conjunction with our aging - some of us - when watching TV - especially streaming - think that we are going deaf In my case - I need hearing aids - and they are the type that the volume can be adjusted - but my wife does not have any and refuses to go and get some - even when they are free to OAPs. Consequently - because of the poor quality of sound in what we are watching - and the TV - and trying to listen to dialogue-- I bought her some blue tooth headphones and I use my hearing aids However - we then come up to the modern movies where most of the sounds are mumbled and loud music overlaid soundtrack maybe this is the answer ----
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