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Everything posted by renault

  1. Really, really nice screenshots JM I love the fact that you got in very close to the aircraft, the "ancient" paint is central to the entire theme of the sequence. Doing that, I think you showed it really well to go with the story. Very well done sir, very well done indeed Cheers Pete
  2. Don't get too excited .... it might only be the two of us !
  3. I would agree that the DOF use is often overdone (and not only in promotional videos) and often detracts from the main point of the video/screenshots which is to allow the Developer to showcase their product. I think you make a good point that it is often distracting and perhaps is best solved by a new mantra - "less is more". I want to purchase the product for what it is and what it contains and it is often difficult to discern that when techniques such as these are overused. Cheers Pete
  4. Thanks Mike! I'm really pleased you enjoyed them Cheers Pete Thank you so much Cheers Pete Thanks JM Cheers! Thanks Graeme See you Pete Thanks so much Iain! See you Pete I think we're on the same page. I would really wish it to be very dynamic. Static imaging is nice, but after the first few views, perhaps not so much. Cheers Pete XPlane 12 Cheers Bernd & thanks for the comment! All the best Pete
  5. Be honest with yourself. Accept that life doesn't come with a guarantee and even with your best efforts it may not be working the way you wish. But always do the absolute best you possibly can until you learn better. Then have the wisdom , maturity and humbleness to accept the opportunity that is presented to you and embrace change.
  6. Thanks Landon I'm pleased you enjoyed it. Cheers! Pete Thanks Cheers Pete Thanks John But your now at the age where just about everything is Cheers Thanks gentlemen I'm really pleased you enjoyed it. Yes, I understand your perspective completely. But be careful what you wish for 1 frame every 30 hours or so isn't really that immersive either Just ask anyone at Disney or Pixar how long it takes to render a frame with a huge crowd in cgi. But I do agree that it would be nice to see "more everyday life" in scenery renders . It is definitely an area for scenery developers to spend some time to understand how to implement such things - maybe at a more modest scale. It would definitely bring a desirable value add to scenery. Cheers All the best Pete Hi Carlos Us old guys still have a few tricks left --- we hope Cheers Pete Got a cc . It's just a mere phone call away Fire up some Ravi Shankar, start up your sim, fork at the ready and a bottle of Kingfisher at your side and enjoy the evening!! Cheers & thanks Steve I am really pleased you enjoyed them See you Pete Thanks Craig! See you Pete
  7. Just a few. Quite an interesting place to go exploring. Cheers R I really enjoyed the stained glass windows And although not at night, I found this to be quite interesting. Someday it will be another spectacular bridge I'm sure, but for the moment is a "work in progress"
  8. Thanks Landon I agree with you that it does look very good. My only niggle , and its a very small one is that I would like a bit more sensitivity to the non live weather option with respect to the humidity and time of day , since I enjoy making my own weather presets. But live weather is a very significant improvment. I think lots of folks share your concern with TrackIR, but since I don't use that option I don't have that concern. But from what I understand of the technology, I can see that it would be a significant concern for those who have been using it successfully. Cheers & thanks again Pete I remember when we visited Sydney, our cruise ship parked in the same spot I believe. It pretty much took up all the space, so the QM must be something to see. But the scale in the Orbx rendition does seem to be pretty much accurate Queen Mary 2, Queen Elizabeth In Sydney | Video, Pictures, Photos (traveller.com.au) Thanks Gerold. I am pleased you enjoyed them All the best Pete Thanks Don Have fun with it! See you Pete Thanks John I am liking the new update a lot! See you Pete
  9. Thanks John I understand and many have been quite vocal. Perhaps a healthy dose of "less is more" in an update/hot fix would be just the ticket It's as if at times it's all or nothing and you go from none to full on almost immediately. Playing with the humidity control on presets, I kept thinking if they only made the slider logarithmic rather than linear, then you would much more gradually be able to ramp up to the desired level. But its very good that it's implemented. Just needs a bit of tweaking Cheers & thank you Pete
  10. The more I use SU7 , I am coming to one conclusion There's a lot to like here. It's like the fable - To find your prince, you need to be prepared to kiss a lot of frogs along the way. Cheers R
  11. @wolfko I agree that they have made progress with haze implementation. It is quite realistic looking. This is just a little snapshot of a test I was running at KAVX earlier this evening. What I'm noticing is that the impact of scene lighting appears to be much more realistic in DX12. Considering that this is just a very early beta, I think it bodes well for the future. But of course "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" but personally I am quite liking the direction they are heading....
  12. My initial experience with SU7 1) After a phone discussion with the Zendesk and further discussion with Malwarebytes, for the first time in 10 months I have had an absolutely seamless download. The root cause of the dreaded looping on large files which I kept experiencing was discovered and laid to rest. For me this was a biggie 2) I have only had time to do some initial testing with default scenery in both DX11 and DX12. Everything is totally normal in DX11 and in DX12 with all settings on Ultra I see no performance degradation. This leads me to item 3 3) I know many of you out there turn "white" when folks mention driver updates. I respect your right to hold that opinion, but frankly I am not interested in having a debate/discussion on the subject. Simply it is what it is. In my case, because I was interested in both Nvidia NIS and DX12 I chose to update my drivers (496.71) a few days ago. I am not fanatical about updating for every update, but generally I keep them reasonably current. What I noticed over the last few days with SU6 & DX11 after updating, I was enjoying the smoothest overall experience I have had to date. I am seeing exactly the same behaviour with SU7 and especially with DX12. Here are two screenshots over the KSBA area with DX12 One aspect of DX12 that I noticed is that the interaction between sunlight and cloud cover is completely different than it is in DX11. I have tried to capture this in the second screenshot. Whereas in DX11 when the sun went behind a cloud , you experienced a complete "blow out" of any cloud definition, what I have been noticing is that the behaviour now is as close to IRL as going outside and looking at the sky. And as many of you have no doubt noticed, the visibility with live weather is now something which really has possibilities. Anyhow these are just my initial experiences to date. Everyone will be different of course, but I thought that these limited observations may be of interest. Cheers Pete
  13. Hi Michael Like yourself I use the Steam edition, so I don't worry about MS itself. However, as a matter of course I always run the Store App before major sim updates just to make sure that my XBox services app(s) and Gaming Services apps are up to date. I got 'burned" once on an update as MS2020 refused to run even though the steam update was flawless Cheers Pete
  14. Thought folks might enjoy this .... Watching it, I did think its somewhat like what happens when you move into a new house and all your furniture from the previous one just fits into 3 rooms. You think what am I going to do with the extra space. Then a few kids, lots of toys, a few pets , maybe an elderly parent or two and you are thinking this is so small. PS - I think they let our Jack @Jack Sawyer at the controls at 9:16 in the video Cheers R
  15. Thanks John It is a very large area which does take disk space. I'm a bit surprised that it is as small as it is actually. BTW did you know you have a "alter ego" stalking these forums. He looks like you but had quite a different reaction when this first came out All the best Pete
  16. Hi again John As I said to TTM above "I think the thing I've found with the Orbx meshes is that the effects are subtle, but after you start using them if you "go back" you immediately realize that things just don't look right. It's like the cc add. I don't go anywhere without it " Here us a comparison ... For me personally, I prefer the Orbx version. It looks more realistic to me. Default Orbx
  17. Thanks Landon It was quite mentally refreshing to just fly around looking at mountains. Orbx has done a very nice job in putting this together. Cheers Pete Hi John Oxygen ?? I wondered about that when I was at 26,000 ft. It's the beauty of MS2020, although I guess the "community at large" hasn't quite asked for that yet. Cheers & thanks! Pete Hi John It has the Orbx Himalayan Mesh activated. So post... Cheers Pete Thanks TTM I think the thing I've found with the Orbx meshes is that the effects are subtle, but after you start using them if you "go back" you immediately realize that things just don't look right. It's like the cc add. I don't go anywhere without it Cheers Pete Hi Gerold Its a default airport I don't have any commercial planes except for the Orbx Optica, which I got for the cockpit visibility for low and slow sightseeing. Aircraft and the nuisances involved are not really "my thing" Cheers & thanks! All the best Pete
  18. Just a few ... My first look. Cheers R Lukla, Nepal is the closest airport to Everest .... And in case your wondering what's on the other side, all I can say is hang on . And remember once your committed, there's no turning back I think this is the original model for Meribel Now how often have I seen 9400 ft and still on the tarmac ... Truth be told, its my first time ! Like I said earlier ..... the original model It is really an astonishing place to fly. And the vertigo is just the aircraft for it. Cheers everyone! R
  19. Thanks John Cheers Pete Thanks Landon Pleased to hear See you Pete Thanks so much JM! See you Pete Thanks Graeme I had my concerns as to how they would show, so that is great to hear Cheers Pete Thanks Scott I'm really pleased to hear that you enjoyed them All the best Pete Thanks Wayne Thank you John See you Pete Thanks TTM We stayed there in the 1980's and I remember that the evenings were the most magical of times. I was trying to recreate a bit of that ambience Cheers Pete Thanks Carlos All the best my friend Pete Thanks J^3 See you Pete Thanks Craig I was hoping that they would display well on your new TV. A good test of dynamic range Cheers Pete Thanks Adam! All the best Pete
  20. Just have a bit of a play with things. I hope that these will view OK for everyone. It probably depends on your monitor and the level of ambient lighting. But that said, here are a few snaps .... Cheers Pete
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