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Everything posted by andiflyit

  1. Nice set John, the top view in the last shot there looks great.
  2. Thanks a lot Wayne, yes, the FBW is ok but I cannot read the screens, always zooming in and out. And no, didn't try the Salty mod, I only wanted 1 working jet for MSFS. I fly my jets in XP, it's great.
  3. They started at the fuselage using sandpaper but it's a long way to go.... Nice shot Iain.
  4. Nice set Jack, is there Orbx scenery for Homer in MSFS? Have to look.
  5. A nice set of holiday pictures ikbenik! Good looking sailing yacht...
  6. Very nice XP shots Steve, I am just practicing with the jets all the time in XP and XP is BEST!! We XP pilots have to stick together, otherwise this will become a pure MSFS forum here.
  7. And another good shot Iain, the aircraft indeed looks very well.
  8. Thank you all very much gentlemen! Thank you Wayne, I hope they will bring it to XP12. But this will all be a long way anyway....
  9. Thank you very much John, the sim indeed looks quite realistic if the light is ok. Thank you Jack. The plane is freeware, you can find it at Flightsim.to/other/Airline Aviation/page2/FlyByWire A32NX. Don't know if it's allowed to place the link here. It's a mod/improvement of the Asobo Airbus. Installs to the community folder, so you will have another Airbus than, the Asobo stays as it is. But it's not perfect so far, they are going on to develop it, seems to be worth to follow. Thank you very much Sir, glad to hear this !! Thanks a lot Landon, the city scenery is indeed not bad at Paris in MSFS. Glad you like it Paul!
  10. Hi all, did this flight from Paris Le Bourget to Brest Bretagne because I am searching for a free jet which works in MSFS currently. Now this here is the FlybyWire mod of the Asobo A320 which seems to work a bit better. It flies well by hand and I can use all the basic functions of the autopilot and the fms just to go from A to B. By the way: Has anyone ever tried to check the nav frequencies which are stored in the sim from inside while flying? I can only find it in the opening screen and than I have to write it down and if I need to check it while flying: Gone stupid.... Orbx Paris City Pack is installed and Brest airport by France VFR. Thank you very much for viewing! Cheers Andreas
  11. Good shots from FSX Paul!
  12. Yes Paul, very interesting. Overall it shows that all the 3 sims have good scenery and graphics. But the cliff on the left side and the bridge look best in Xplane so the winner is of course Xplane!!
  13. Fantastic shots John! I agree with the others that a lot of static people would do it. They must not be animated. However I wonder if I would ever go to Australia in MSFS! AUV2 for ever!
  14. Yes, same to me, I have such fantastic aircraft in Xplane and P3d, I cannot get this all again for MSFS. In P3d it's a lot of Carenado and they are slow in bringing their aircraft over and it's the one and only Flight1 Islander for FSX which works in P3d4 without issues. And in Xplane I have aircraft which is really a stand alone quality in terms of flying. For example the Aerobask DA62 or the Airfoillabs Kingair.
  15. Good to hear and thank you Jack, than I can buy it at some point...
  16. Thanks a lot Paul! Thank you John, glad you like the shot. For XP12 we will have to wait, they will need a minimum of 2 years to make it work like 11.55 I am kidding but I really think that XP 11.55 with the Vulkan runs extremly well. I have full frames everywhere, doesn't matter which combination of scenery and complex aircraft. And look at my video card, it's a 1060 6 GB and this not too much...
  17. Great shots of the desert John, you are really lost there... But you have a nice glass cockpit and all the navigation, so there is no need to worry about that.
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