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Everything posted by andiflyit

  1. So now I've been back to NZQN to look for that mesh issue but it's not there anymore. So currently I cannot find any serious mesh issues with the WU12 and NZ mesh. Of course I will install the update in any case as soon as available.
  2. Yes Carlos, wonderful shot. I like Chicago, have been there once nearly 40 years ago when I was a young man.
  3. Great set, very interesting to see the big aircraft. It was really a bad action to destroy it, without any sense because it was not a military power factor.
  4. Thank you Angelo, I've read this and I will leave my mesh in because I don't have any big issues except at Queenstown. And as soon as I have the update installed I can report.
  5. I think there was a mesh issue, some big spike or so, when flying out of Queenstown NZQN and looking back. But I didn't go there again, have to go there to check it next time. Nothing else, all fine.
  6. Thanks a lot Adam, glad you like it.
  7. Hi all, today I've done another 12.5 gig update for NZ in MSFS and got some new paints. This is of course a reason to fly a bit....🙂 Orbx scenery is the NZ mesh which is great. Thank you very much for viewing! Cheers Andreas
  8. Nice shots, it's a favourite scenery for me in P3d 4.5, mount Shasta area, great.
  9. Yes, it's a bit more impressive as it is in XP11 and the look is more bombastic but it will need some time to get all the details fixed.
  10. Thanks a lot Adam! And thank you Wayne, glad you like it. Thank you very much Iain.
  11. Very nice shots and interesting the wide panel shot. I think the plane is worth it.
  12. Hi all, received some pictures from my daughter at vacation in Mallorca. So I did some shots for her in the sim. And than I thougt I can also post it here...🙂 Scenery is of course Orbx TE Balearic Islands for XP11. Thank you very much for viewing! Cheers Andreas
  13. And another Caribou, great! 🙂
  14. So today is Caribou day! 🙂 Fantastic shots Adam!
  15. Great shots Iain, the Carribou has a nice VC.
  16. Perfect shots Adam! 🙂 I have the scenery in P3d, it's great but there is an issue with the surrounding landclass scenery.
  17. Hi all, now I did a flight at La Palma in XP12 just to compare XP11 and XP12. Some shots here for those who are interested. Overall it's better and more impressive but in some details it doesn't work 100%. So far I have no working lua script or similar to adjust anything. There is a new version of FlywithLua for XP12 but I cannot find scripts. The glittering apron there is nice but of course not realistic. Seems to be a detail issue because the scenery is not updated for XP12. Maybe it's water but there is no rain set in the weather and no water outside. The ground- and autogentextures here look worse than in XP11. And these reflections on the trees caused by the heavy sunlight are of course not what we want. Thank you very much for viewing! Cheers Andreas
  18. Thank you very much Iain! Thank you Wayne, it's a nice scenery there for the Canary Islands. Probably it will be a long time using both XP11 and XP12 for me. Thank you John, glad you like it!
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