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Everything posted by wain71

  1. don't know why but my Windows is refusing to take me there, even trying to get there via search doesn't work for me...I'm sure it's a good find though...
  2. great shots there Carlos, what a wide range of shapes and sizes for the building...
  3. HDMI? or is DP better? What about HDMI2.1 V2.0? TV or monitor? so many questions...
  4. sounds much like my simming this month, just call me Pingu....
  5. nice shots there Scott, I to dip my toe back into v5 occasionally....
  6. nice one, the food looks lovely, hope you had a nice pud after....no cider on the table though...
  7. @Quantum Amiga thanks for posting, those shots look superb...
  8. that's a pain, haven't fire up the sim this week so can't comment, last update though did cause me to have everything set to EASY mode...
  9. thanks both for the replies, yeah I think I may initially get the monitor and then later upgrade the PC, I will benefit from use with my PS5 / XBOX which are both 4k, also being able to look at the visuals of MSFS on the XBOX should hopefully show the difference, now to go and understand all the techy things that are needed for a good monitor....
  10. this I will be interested to see how people get on with it....looks very good....
  11. superb shots, I still get goose bumps when I hear one of these passing over our way......to me it means help is coming or extraction was about to happen...
  12. that is without doubt one of the best shots I have seen, superbly catches everything just right, ground, light, sky...amazing...
  13. was also not allowing pictures to be posted, the map was not showing the plane at the correct location but was centred on where it should have been...
  14. great shots there Adam, I suppose the last two were as the saying goes 'a bit of the other'.....
  15. Happy Birthday Filou, hope you had a great day...
  16. nice shots there Darryl, love the lighting depicting the morning sunshine, I can feel the warmth through the screen, now send a bit of that sunshine my way please, it feels like it's been raining here since September...
  17. thanks for the post Andreas, I may well try again, I had a good helo in XP10 but it doesn't work in XP12 and I had a freeware in MSFS that I could sort of fly but after a reinstall I haven't put it back into the sim, maybe the default one is a bit forgiving to a novice like me?..
  18. my brain doesn't see salad, just big slices of cake, I honestly believe I could live off cakes and biscuits....
  19. some great shots there Andreas, I envy simmers that can fly the Helos...
  20. yeah I guess what I am trying to find is about the detail, is it that much of a difference to warrant the cost and replace what is working nicely at 2k.....I have seen the difference with my new TV and I guess the same would be said for the PC....
  21. now that's interesting, I am wondering do I just go for a new 4k monitor, maybe just upgrade the CPU and then the motherboard, maybe just a refurb of what I have and next year go for the new GPU.....what I have runs MSFS and XPLANE fine at 2k but the new CPU would I believe be required for the jump to 4k....
  22. I tend to like flight of around an hour and a half, two maximum.....this will of course be longer depending on what you are flying due to the planning and prepping of a plane, obviously more for the tubes etc......so that 2 hour flight might actually be 3 hours in front of the PC, it will really depend on what time I have available.....Sunday I had a spare afternoon to fly, but I couldn't be bothered with all the trimmings and ended up motoring a fast car around a race track, so for me also every once and a while I can feel the fun has gone out of it and just don't fly for a week or two until I get the 'itch' again...I really couldn't see myself doing a flight for 6 or 7 hours, I'd be bored or a sleep....
  23. I think this may well be on my list for a purchase now...
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