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Everything posted by BradB

  1. Ahem , Mayhem ……… That paint is painfully just wrong .
  2. Better in Sydney Harbor and afloat than a diver's mecca off the coast of SoCal .
  3. We have many on our side of the Pacific also .
  4. Just watched this last night : Cheers John
  5. We just last week had Sir Paul perform here in Spokane .
  6. Kenny Rodgers and Dolly Parton come to mind also .
  7. Wow - Outstanding post Gerold !! .
  8. Like all of us right now , "My Final Shot's" ; maybe is not the right term .
  9. Looks good Wayne , probably over my pay grade (CTRL-E start) ............
  10. Grand set of shots , your P3D looks great !! .
  11. Great flight Gerold , for your next flight may I suggest a flight around the Solomen Islands ; I hear there is a strange “Red Line” in them .
  12. I hope you and your wife get on the mend Don , and have fun flying in the Sim .
  13. On the main page in the lower left should be a button that says Library . Open that up to see your products (MSFS) .
  14. Don when you know a update is pending , always go the MS Store first and update there ; then do the update in the Sim . Also check your content manager for any updates that are needed . Also delete your rolling cache in the Data settings .
  15. Easy peasey , love this Sim .
  16. I "atollize" these shots Gerold .
  17. I fly anything low and slow and I throw a dart on where I fly ; anywhere in MSFS world is just dandy .
  18. Looks amazing inside and out : Cheers John
  19. Terrific shots Gerold .
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