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Everything posted by Stillwater

  1. No plane here, but ready to "fly": Auckland Sky Tower. I have a real life shot of this scenery as well, if so desired.
  2. Never forget all these relatives in Nigeria you had never known about before the internet was there. So sad they all pass away before their lawyers notify us.
  3. Currently in Valencia at the Mediterranean Sea. Every day between 36 and 39 deg C, which is slightly higher than expected. But INCREDIBLY humid. Breathing already is a task, we all take a shower 3 times a day and permanently change shirts, as they stick to you once you move outside. Not longer an area to go for Summer holiday. I have never experienced this in earlier decades. But as said above, true genius experts say this is no change, just different from the past…
  4. No, I mean the real Aussie autumn…👍
  5. Great flight and shots, Graeme. I will drive the opposite direction next autumn…
  6. The Pulitzer price for this week goes to you, Gumby!
  7. I miss Karl here in the discussion. He would know which liquid to open and digest best…
  8. Fantastic shots Carlos. Showing what we can expect from an airport these days. A pity that we still have to miss Cairns in MSFS, a fantastic place and a former showcase of Orbx.
  9. It is really a pleasure to see the friendliness and humour here - compared to other forums, where any discussion can quickly glide into a mess. Having said that, it is a pity this forum has become so quiet since approx. the release of MSFS.
  10. You can see it in my "hidden contents" below: p3d v4.5 . Yes, I follow the rule: Never change a running system...
  11. Exactly my opinion (and behaviour) as well. And for me it is the other way round: I hesitate to invest in MSFS2020, now that we know p3d is further developed and MSFS2024 is announced. But I have refused to move over to v5 already, to further enjoy all of these sunk costs.
  12. I can correct myself. There are some nice places near my home, I just consider them "normal" in everyday thinking. Like the Herrenhäuser Gärten:
  13. And one fine day I will find out what "boetie" stands for... 😉
  14. Same in my eyes here. I just don’t have a swimming pool…
  15. At least the restaurant was there in 2002. If someone wonders, where I chose my forum name…
  16. Oh I can understand this, Gumby. I was there in 2002 for the first time, and do not forget it. I do have a picture of myself on the Alexandra suspension bridge, and I look much younger than today...
  17. My choice currently is "REX Weather Force 2020". Flying on the other hemisphere or in other than the current season I can choose a "dynamic weather preset", which slowly changes the conditions during the flight. Still not "real historic", but at least a little surprise in it.
  18. Great shots, no clouds, no dust, no stress...
  19. I have now read the same. So it will not help me in the desired way.
  20. And I thought it was your 600th post of this month, Iain… 😅
  21. You really hit a point for me with this topic, Rodger. I use to simulate trips that I have done in reality in the past or would like / will do in the future. BTW, this often touches another hemipsphere with opposite seasons. This means, in p3d I use to fly with "Live Historic Weather" from Active Sky. In MSFS I still struggle with this, and will now check what "Rex AccuSeason" does. In the meantime I only use "few clouds", for the same reason as everyone above.
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