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Nick Cooper

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Posts posted by Nick Cooper

  1. Hello,
    one would certainly hope so but the project has been kept from the general Orbx staff,

    so all we know is what has been released to the public.
    At least, if it is released today, we will not have long to wait to find out. :)
    It is definitely possible to do it, the PMDG DC6 has it and will even taxi backwards, like the real thing.



    (Nothing to do with the Caribou but this next one is my favourite DC 6 clip.)




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  2. 7 hours ago, Aussieflyer38 said:


    Puppies are a bit different, a lot of people don't want the toilet training thing and the mess. Time will tell.


    Hello Don,

    as you know, we have three.
    One is a rescue dog that had failed as a gun dog and was therefore completely "unsocialised".
    Since then, we were told, he had three more owners in under two years, who couldn't, or wouldn't, deal with him.

    He had no idea how to behave around either people or other dogs.
    He was far harder to train as an adult dog than either of the other two were, bought as puppies.
    One of his party tricks, when out for a walk across the fields, was to transform himself into an Exocet missile and aim,

    at top speed, for our little terrier.
    Fortunately, the terrier was very alert and agile and avoided being skewered.

    Regrettably, the little terrier died far too young, riddled with cancer. Heartbreaking still.
    Having said that, my wife did most of the work and he has turned from an unmanageable nuisance into one of the most
    loyal and charming companions that we could have wished for.
    In my humble opinion, virtually all problems with dogs are caused by the owner and can be cured by retraining the owner first
    and then the dog.

    Labradors are particularly easy to train, because they are so sharp and eager to learn.
    If someone doesn't want a puppy only because they are "too difficult to train" then they probably don't deserve to have a dog at all.


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  3. Hello,
    in fact, there were 17 spammers banned yesterday, some by me and some more by others, when I was asleep.
    All of the ones I banned had IP addresses in India, so possibly, it was just the same ones rejoining.
    We do try to keep up, but sometimes, the spam says in place long enough for someone to see it and either post or report it.

    I have no idea why someone whose IP address is in India or Pakistan would want to spend their time doing this, both countries appear to have far
    more important things going on, but they do.
    Sometimes, you can see less obvious posts, often resurrecting an older topic, but not always and usually with a link to something

    commercial tucked away in the corner of the post.


    My thanks to those of you who spot the ones that we miss and report them.

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  4. Hello,

    shutting the computer down without a blue screen might indicate a hardware problem, such as your cooling solution no longer working as it should
    and the computer simply protecting itself from damage.
    If you are seeing a blue screen first, then a memory issue is indeed more likely, though that can be software, as well as hardware related.
    If the problem was just a crash to desktop, leaving the simulator closed but the computer running, then it might be more likely to be an incompatible addon.

    The first thing that I would try is deleting the scenery indices and an empty Community folder.

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