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Nick Cooper

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Posts posted by Nick Cooper

  1. Hello Carlos, 
    I have installed it and given it a try for you.
    As one might expect for a Landmarks pack, with all of the landmarks in a small area,
    it does seem to make the simulator work a bit harder than usual, but for me, it is still
    useable. You can just see the 32 FPS in the bottom left hand corner of this screenshot.
    I wonder if it is perhaps using up all of the VRAM on your system?


    Click on the image for a clear picture 




    • Like 1
  2. Hello,

    "VBS" appears to be system specific and if you want to see a new catalogue of unpronounceable acronyms,
    just take a look at this article: Virtualization-based Security (VBS) | Microsoft Learn


    Out of interest, I disabled it, rebooted the PC and found an extra 3fps in Microsoft Flight Simulator.
    As this was an increase from 31 fps to 34 fps for the identical scenario, around the promised 10%, I was not able to get excited.
    I have ordinary eyes, that without a frame rate counter, cannot tell the difference. :)


    It certainly seems to be a "thing" but whether it would be enough to prompt a move away from Windows 11,
    or even Windows 10, if you have it, is another matter.
    The internet is very good at creating storms in teacups.
    In this case, it seems that Microsoft are in fact acting in the Windows users' best interests and not, as some
    of the articles seem to be tacitly suggesting, conspiring to ruin a gamer's experience.

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  3. Hello,
    often, if not always, these are due to a conflicting addon in the Community folder.
    You can rule that in (or out) as the cause by renaming the Community folder to CommunityX,

    creating a new Community folder and then putting only the "offending" product into it.
    For good measure, delete the scenery .dat files and run MSFS.
    If there are no mauve bits, you have your answer.

    The fun then starts, in trying to find the other one. 🙂

  4. Hello John,
    it goes like this:


    1. Choose your repaint at flightsim.to.
    I have chosen one by Jankees, Fieldair.


    2. Download the file from flightsim.to
    You will have a new folder, JK_Caribou_Fieldair_upmBq.zip


    3. Extract the file to a folder of your choice.
    Inside the folder of your choice, you will have a folder named JK_Caribou_Fieldair
    Copy that folder into your Community folder.

    (If you use the addons linker, copy the folder into your chosen folder and link it to your Community folder).


    4. Start MSFS and search the aircraft menu for Caribou, then click on Liveries.




    It will then appear in the simulator:



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