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Cradle Mountain and beyond


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The next part of my zig zag flight around Tasmania takes us from Cradle Mountain to Mount King William III.


This is the first time I have flown low level around this part of Tas but the scenery is incredible.


Warning this is a big set of 19 shots.





Cradle Mountain dead ahead




Dove Lake with Crater Lake to the right.



An excellent place to visit if you enjoy walking and amazing scenery of course..





Mount Pelion West





Lake Echo is just above the Eaglet's nose.



Lake Burbury.











Starting our descent into Mount King William III airstrip.



The strip can just be made out.




Almost there.

Parked and planning the next part of the trip.



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Nice trip!

Great shots.

This time of year we/family are doing all this in RL most weekends, 4WD.

It is a wonderful part of the world Mitch. Used to visit Tas once a year when my brother lived there but that's over 20 years ago now.


A very nice shots again Martyn.





Grand shots from your trip Martyn .






Some really dramatic scenery... and those OZx strips sure look like fun.





The OZx strips complement the excellent scenery.

Great shots of your short flight, Martyn. I have never seen Dove Lake so good in my sim.


But I can agree to your walking suggestion (though, it has > 250 days of rain per year at that place...)


Walked around Dove Lake and up to Crater Lake many years ago with a broken big toe. I guessed I would not go there again so I wasn't missing out. Could not believe how quickly the weather changed. Fine one minute then the cloud rolled in and then fine again! Fabulous part of the world. I hope you signed the register before you set off on your walk!



Your series of Australian tours made me reboot my flights. I can't get out of Australia because I didn't even scratch the surface. :)

It's a large and varied country. Lucky to be so well covered by FTX and OZx.


Beautiful shots, and countryside.


All 19 shots were very worth it.  Did you fly with a real world weather engine or use a theme on this one?

Nearly always use ASN with REX Texture Direct. Eric set to real world weather. I never know what the weather is going to be when I load up a flight.


Thanks so much for your interest and comments Gents. Really appreciated.

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Walked around Dove Lake and up to Crater Lake many years ago with a broken big toe. I guessed I would not go there again so I wasn't missing out. Could not believe how quickly the weather changed. Fine one minute then the cloud rolled in and then fine again! Fabulous part of the world. I hope you signed the register before you set off on your walk!

Sure we signed (did you check the register of 2003?). And sure it was raining most time. Due to clouds & lack of time we missed out Crater Lake. What a pity, but one needs to keep things undone in order to return.

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Sure we signed (did you check the register of 2003?). And sure it was raining most time. Due to clouds & lack of time we missed out Crater Lake. What a pity, but one needs to keep things undone in order to return.

You were there 10 years after me, but I did give 2 German backpackers a lift from near the airstrip to the start of the walking trails.

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