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Benton to Redding Municipal...


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Hello folks,


Yes I know... everybody has already done Redding but look at the bright side... I think this is the last of my stored up screenshots and after this I will have to come up with something fresh.



I have to love this scenery... I used to have an RX-7 convertible just like that and when my father-in-law was alive he had a Chevy pickemup just like the one here.



I'm so unoriginal that I am even going to use the same livery as a dozen other guys before me have.



See what I mean...



I love the detail around and in the hanger.



And of course all the cool aircraft about.



I wanted to get in the compass heading thingy but I really didn't compose this shot very well. :(



Nor this one.



Okay got to have the Sundial Bridge.



This one and the next make me think of the movie "Kelly's Heroes"... remember when Donald Sutherlund's Sherman tanks come out of the railroad tunnel and attack the depot...



... then as they drive off the music on their loudspeakers switches to "I've Been Working on the Railroad"... I thought that was great. Ah well I was young then. ;)



Just looking at the pretty hills.



And you know me... I gotta play. :)



Passing KRDD and I'll run out South a bit.



And turning back for my approach. I always loved Shasta although Rainier is my own personal mountain. (We Tacomans call it "Mount Tahoma".)


And I-5 down there is an old friend... I think I've covered every mile from Canada to Mexico at one time or another.



Hight, fast, and too far to the right.



Better alignment but still a tad high & quick. (Gear coming down.)



I'd call that right on the money. :)



I'm going to pass on the terminal for now but I'll be back in a bit.



The Forestry Service area...



Cool chopper.



This detail is great and we even have lady Shasta peeking over the ridge. :)


Some quick bonus shots...



Most of you probably have Ant's Swamp Wallaby by now. I think this was taken at Idaho Falls Airport.



Very fun interior.



Not to mention the useful panel. This one is on the runway at Bonners Ferry.



This imaginary aircraft will do light aerobatics and will cover distance with the stability, speed, and navigation capability of a 737.



It isn't terribly realistic but it sure is fun. :)


Now back to Redding.


Obviously the nice new terminal. This shot is my first attempt to load a larger image. I have cropped out some empty concrete from the foreground but it is 1920 wide as is my monitor.


I do hope I haven't put too many people to sleep. Right now I'm late to bed for the 2nd night in a row...


Be well,


Tom Wunder

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Hi Tom, lots of comments to your long post...


1. If that livery does not fit to Benton, which one would?

2. Kelly´s heros - I had nearly forgotten it. A great one!

3. "Just looking at the pretty hills" - do you mean those in shot #11 or those in #2?

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Good to see you flying the Benton baby.  I can tell you the secret now.  I did the livery on the Lancair as a tribute to Jarrad Marshall for doing Redding.


The aircraft registration is Jarrod's birth dates and initials.  He was in on it (the secret) at the time.  So now you know..

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Great shots! I liked all! Good story line.

Thank you Voyager...  (I used to have a Kawasaki Voyager XII with vanity plates that read "V-GER")



Hi Tom, lots of comments to your long post...


1. If that livery does not fit to Benton, which one would?

2. Kelly´s heros - I had nearly forgotten it. A great one!

3. "Just looking at the pretty hills" - do you mean those in shot #11 or those in #2?


Okay Gerold we give this quiz a try:

1. I dunno but it is a good one to be sure. :)

2. Takes me back to the Summer I spent in Pensacola, FL courtesy of the USN... glad you weren't offended as those Shermans were attacking Germans.

3. Yeah "those hills" are nice too. ;)


Fine set! :)

Thanks RJ.


Great shots Tom!

Thank you Karsten.


Good to see you flying the Benton baby.  I can tell you the secret now.  I did the livery on the Lancair as a tribute to Jarrad Marshall for doing Redding.


The aircraft registration is Jarrod's birth dates and initials.  He was in on it (the secret) at the time.  So now you know..

Thank you for sharing that insight Jaydor... it is a fine paint and I enjoy using it. :)


Grand set of shots.



Thanks Iain.

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Great set and your humour is still alive as I can see... ;D

I wish my wife appreciated my humor as much as you do. LOL


These are great shots!

Well done!

I think it's time I buy KRDD, looks to good to pass up.

You wont be sorry on that decision. :)

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