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Does this look correct at PAJN?


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I don't have the two big "bites" out of the edge, but I do have the sawtooth drop off.  (There is a drop off at the edge of the real runway.)

I have SAK and PAJN 110.  No extra mesh installed.  FTX Global Base also installed, but FTX Central was set to "North America" for these screen shots.



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Hello h3pilot,


Thank you for your reply.  I too have unticked Vector and FS Global 2010, installed ALL NA patches and have the latest lib's installed.  I also selected NA region when i took these shots.


So why does mine look different?  I hope either Russ White or and Orbx staff member could answer this on for me?


Kind regards.



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The cliff along the runway edge should be there yes. But it should be a stright line (it's a manmade pateau rising from the flood plane) as seen in the screenshots from h3pilot above.


If you have indents in the mesh, they will be caused by another installed product. Run a search in your install directory for "PAJN" and rename to ".OFF" any files found OUTSIDE of the ORBX folder structure.

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Hello Russ,


Thank you for your reply.  I have done a full search for PAJN and only have ORBX entries installed.   There was one in "scenery/world/scenery" which is an FTX elevation .BGL, in which I turned to off to try..... It made it worse.  I turned it back on.


Oh well....  I will just have to live with it.  Summer looks better because the cliff is hidden buy the grass and dirt.  Winter looks to aggressive.


Kind regards.



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I have exactly  the same Issue, see here  http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/71243-texture-problems-at-pajn-and-eghi/

I have SAK with the latest patch installed, mesh set to 5m (no additional mesh product installed), but the issue appears with any mesh setting. Renaming any PAJN files outside the Orbx structure to OFF did not help.

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Hi guys,


there may still be some confusion here what is a bug and what isn't:


1. The sawtooth pattern along the raised plateau of PAJN is "normal"; the flatten polygon we placed there has a simple straight edge but FSX's display engine turns all elevation data into a nested pattern of triangular surfaces aligned N-S or E-W. If the flattened area is aligned more towards SW or NE, like PAJN, FSX always creates those sawtooth patterns. The effect gets more pronounced with higher mesh resolution settings and at low sun angles.


2. What shouldn't be in a correct SAK + PAJN installation are those two large "bays" cutting into the airport plateau visible in Tim's very first screenshot. That looks like some additional flattens that probably stem from another add-on. I only use SAK and PAJN and don't see those bays. If you have them I'd suggest to temporarily uncheck any third-party add-ons in your scenery library menu you have for the area. The file in question doesn't necessarily need to have PAJN in its name, which is why I'd check all local add-ons.


Cheers, Holger

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Hi guys,


there may still be some confusion here what is a bug and what isn't:


1. The sawtooth pattern along the raised plateau of PAJN is "normal"; the flatten polygon we placed there has a simple straight edge but FSX's display engine turns all elevation data into a nested pattern of triangular surfaces aligned N-S or E-W. If the flattened area is aligned more towards SW or NE, like PAJN, FSX always creates those sawtooth patterns. The effect gets more pronounced with higher mesh resolution settings and at low sun angles.


2. What shouldn't be in a correct SAK + PAJN installation are those two large "bays" cutting into the airport plateau visible in Tim's very first screenshot. That looks like some additional flattens that probably stem from another add-on. I only use SAK and PAJN and don't see those bays. If you have them I'd suggest to temporarily uncheck any third-party add-ons in your scenery library menu you have for the area. The file in question doesn't necessarily need to have PAJN in its name, which is why I'd check all local add-ons.


Cheers, Holger

Hello Holger,


Thank you for your insight.  I have no other 3rd party add-on's for SAK or PAJN.  The only NA stuff I have installed is all from Orbx and your Tongass Fjords package.  I too have Vector and FS Global 2010 installed but unticked when I fly in a full blown Orbx region.


Oh....!?  I have my mesh set to 5m too.





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Hi Tim,


that's odd. And are you sure you've installed the SAK service pack from our support page?


Cheers, Holger


P.S.: Doug, the issues above are with the payware PAJN addon not the version included with SAK itself. The PAJN add-on has a slightly wider platform to fully accommodate the recent runway extension work, which makes the elevation step down to the tidal flats more steep.

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Hi Tim,


that's odd. And are you sure you've installed the SAK service pack from our support page?


Cheers, Holger


P.S.: Doug, the issues above are with the payware PAJN addon not the version included with SAK itself. The PAJN add-on has a slightly wider platform to fully accommodate the recent runway extension work, which makes the elevation step down to the tidal flats more steep.

Hello again Holger,


I do have all of the latest patches and lib's installed.  Infact I thought the latest patch would fix this?  I have had this issue for a while and never really bothered to report it, thinking it would get fixed in a patch....





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It would not get fixed in the patch if the problem is not with the airport, which is the case here. The problem is stemming from another flattern you have active which is part of something else you have currently installed. The flattern that is included with the payware PAJN is a stright line, something else on your system is over-riding that straight line.  


Move your PAJN entry to the top of your scenery library and see what happens then.

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Hi guys,


2. What shouldn't be in a correct SAK + PAJN installation are those two large "bays" cutting into the airport plateau visible in Tim's very first screenshot. That looks like some additional flattens that probably stem from another add-on. I only use SAK and PAJN and don't see those bays. If you have them I'd suggest to temporarily uncheck any third-party add-ons in your scenery library menu you have for the area. The file in question doesn't necessarily need to have PAJN in its name, which is why I'd check all local add-ons.


Cheers, Holger



It would not get fixed in the patch if the problem is not with the airport, which is the case here. The problem is stemming from another flattern you have active which is part of something else you have currently installed. The flattern that is included with the payware PAJN is a stright line, something else on your system is over-riding that straight line.  


Move your PAJN entry to the top of your scenery library and see what happens then.


I did some testing and found out that those large "bays" are caused by Orbx Vector! unchecking Orbx Vector in the scenery library will remove the bays. That's just another proof that Vector has an influence on the full fat regions as it is already proofed for Australia SP4.

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Hi Wolfgang,


interesting, is that with the Vector entries below the SAK/PAJN entries in the scenery library menu, meaning at lower display priority? SAK completely excludes all default and third-party elements in its coverage area so this shouldn't happen unless the display priority is reversed or it's an issue with one of the airport adjustment files of FTXG Vector.


Cheers, Holger 

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Hi Holger,


yes, my Vector entry is below SAK and PAJN. 


PAJN                      75

SAK05 Scenery   116

SAK06 CVX         117

SAK07 Mesh       118

SAK08 Custom   119 

Vector                 151

Vector_AEC        248 (but unchecking this one has no influence on those "Bays")


There is an  "ADE_FTX_SAK_PAJN_elevation_adjustment.BGL" amongst literally hundreds of other airport's elevation_adjustment.BGLs in an OFF- folder located at  "Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na" Is this OK?



Cheers Wolfgang

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Hi Wolfgang,


those elevation adjustment files in the \OFF folder are inactive backups of the active files in \Scenery\World\scenery. The \OFF folder isn't activated in your scenery library menu and thus FSX doesn't read those bgl files.


I'm not sure what Vector component could create those two indentations. It can't be flatten polygons because they would be excluded by SAK. I know that some airport components, like runways and taxiways, create automatic flattens at the altitude of that airport. The default PAJN is much lower than our add-on and also has the seaplane base integrated but if such a file somehow was the issue I'd think we'd see other oddities in the area and also there should be a PAJN file somewhere in the Vector scenery folders. I don't have Vector installed at the moment (waiting for a bigger harddrive...) so can't check myself. Perhaps post in the Vector forum to get the attention of the actual developers.


Cheers, Holger

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  • 1 year later...

I am sorry to revive this old thread, but I have the EXACT issue as the OP. I have just bought PAJN recently and noticed those same two indentations, and to post an identical pic would be worthless. I too have only ORBX Global, Vector, SAK, and now PAJN so I am thinking that the OP´s findings that Vector was at fault is dead on. But the final outcome of this thread is probably somewhere else.


Can someone please explain if this mystery was finallys solved ?

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Well, I am not running it on Global, and in any case the SAK is checked and above Global. If you read the whole thread the OP discovered that this issue was most definitely caused by Vector. And in fact when I switch the Vector boxes off in the scenery library the problem goes away.


I was asking because Holger´s last post sort of left things wondering without any clear conclusions, I was hoping that there was probably a clear veredict now ?



EDITED TO ADD CORRECTION: It is Wolfgang, not the OP, who is right on identifying the problem lies with Vector. The issue goes away with Vector unchecked in the scenery library. i can remember correcly right now but when I did it one by one except the _AEC which cannot be unchecked, it was the _CVX that made the difference.

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AHH!! thank you very much good sir, exactly what I was looking for






P.S. I am enjoying all your scenery very much, thanks for bringing it to us.

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