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FTXG - Lake Mead and the Western Grand Canyon


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Splendid set Brad.





All incredible, but #5 is a winner! 8)



Beautiful scenery shots Brad! I've got some issues rebuilding my system (even had to order a new FSX GOLD) but when it's done, I'll be definitely flying in an area like the one on your last shot, low level...



Great flight, and the more often you do it, the more likely it get that it will be cheaper than in reality...



Fantastic shots mate! 


I visited the Grand Canyon few months ago when I was in Vegas. I made a video taking off from the GC:




I have been several times by car but never by air . One more item on the old bucket list .


Nice excellent shots of the Grand Canyon Brad :)



Great pictures there.

Yes..There You see :

Patience , grasshopper - "Good things come to those who wait" .

Kind regards




Great set Brad. Love the last one



Great set! The colours look fantastic....







Nice shots, the scenery looks a lot better with FTXG but there still a lot of sand.

Thanks for the kind comments , they are appreciated .



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