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Okay first up, I can't thank you guys enough for your help and patience. I can remember years ago, my boss gave me an apprentice who was completely hopeless to train, so now I know how you guys must be feeling trying to get all this computer techno stuff into my old half empty head, at least that kid had youth on his side. :)

Yesterday I said I was going to do something drastic, I did. First I uninstalled the MSFS off my old computer, then off my new computer and reinstalled MSFS....yeeeaaa. :D

This morning I had to see my lung specialist for a checkup, so no time to see if it had turned out okay. 

So, the good news bad news is, yes the sim is up and running (thank God), that's the good news. The not so good news is MS has made some changes, I think I may now be running the updated Win 11, not sure yet, I haven't had time to check, first things first, can I fly, the answer is YES, but some things not working correctly (controls), and not sure what else, but I'll have to check what is and what isn't, so I'll have to work through them as I have time. I took two screenies of a quick flight, but not sure if they are going to post correctly - no thumb nail picture. I'll post them and see what happens. Expect a few more questions :D, but hopefully not many. 

Again many thanks to all, now go and pour yourself a well earned beverage.



MSFS new download 1.jpg

MSFS new download 2.jpg

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4 hours ago, paulb said:

Well done Don. That's great news :).



Thanks Paul, it was a last desperate effort, had to give you guys a break and me, we all needed the rest. Although, lots to do for me now to re-install everything, I'll be goin real slow:)

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1 hour ago, boetie said:

I feel your joy Don. What a journey! Onward and upward.


Graeme :)


 Thanks Graeme, yeah I just had to end it and move on, so a re-install seemed the best way. On John's (Brad) recommendation I went with Steam, seems to be running okay with the little I have installed. So far I have been able to fix the problems I have encountered. Along the way I found I'm running WIn11 update, not sure if it was installed when I bought this rig, or later, the release was about the time I bought it, it could be either, but I don't remember ever installing it. It will be interesting to see how all this works. The intro into Steam, I found to be very very different. My main focus at the moment is to get some sceneries and aircraft of choice into it, and fly, the rest can come later :D  

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2 hours ago, Aussieflyer38 said:

The intro into Steam, I found to be very very different. My main focus at the moment is to get some sceneries and aircraft of choice into it, and fly, the rest can come later :D

this is all very good to hear, Don


you can be confident that Steam is a worthwhile pathway to MFS enjoyment!




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3 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Take your time, Don, relax in between and think of other things (may be liquid). It will turn out during the upcoming days...


Thanks Gerold, the easy part is Orbx, set 'em going and make a cup of coffee, unfortunately I can't have booze, but I do sneak a port or two every now and then. :) 

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9 hours ago, craigeaglefire said:

this is all very good to hear, Don


you can be confident that Steam is a worthwhile pathway to MFS enjoyment!





Thanks Craig, as you're a Steam man, I'll keep in touch. So far so good, but a long way to go. :) 

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On 11/16/2022 at 3:53 PM, BradB said:

Good news Don , controls are always a bugger at times . :):(


It's a strange one John, the throttle in particular seems to have a mind of it's own, moving back and forth of it's own accord. I've reset it twice, but it keeps doing the same thing. Not sure if maybe it's something to do with my Bravo, I have set these up before no problem, so it's a bit strange, have to keep investigating. :rolleyes:  

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53 minutes ago, Aussieflyer38 said:


It's a strange one John, the throttle in particular seems to have a mind of it's own, moving back and forth of it's own accord. I've reset it twice, but it keeps doing the same thing. Not sure if maybe it's something to do with my Bravo, I have set these up before no problem, so it's a bit strange, have to keep investigating. :rolleyes:  

I can't be of much help Don , I only use a joystick and a X-Box controller (Drone view) .

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