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MSFS: WestJet into 08R, CYVR


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Continuing checking out the airports I picked up in the recent Orbx Flash Sale, today we have Vancouver, CYVR.

I took my current favorite, the PMDG 737-600, in WestJet colors, from KSEA to CYVR, Autolanding on Rwy 08R [109.50; 116 degrees, 9' altitude]

Interestingly, the 08R STARS I selected routed the 600 to the East of CYVR, then brought it around North of the airport, heading West, then curled back down South, then East to come in for the approach.

It autolanded successfully, which was a bit of a surprise as the Internet was cutting in & out during the flight.

I'm finding the 600 is a delight to fly & can get into some tight airfields.

As far as VNAV goes I have to keep a close eye on the FMC, & sometimes manually intervene to effect an altitude reduction if the distance between waypoints is tight.

But the VNAV will pick up where I have left off & continue the flight altitude management.




Heading out of KSEA



Switched to dusk lighting, on approach into CYVR Rwy 08R



Over the threshold, the 600 flares itself during Autoland.



Autoland touchdown. At this point I cancel the Autopilot, hold F2 for thrust reverse & apply brakes.


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