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Navigraph Survey Results

John Heaton

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2 hours ago, W2DR said:

Just goes to show that most folks are gamers, not simmers. Ask how many of the MSFS crowd can fly a VOR or RNAV approach. Enough said.

You have raised a question - what is YOUR definition of a simmer ? - or maybe - "Flight Simulation" itself


Personally - I have some 600 hours actual flying time in 6 categories of GA - single and twins when I had a PPL - and all of it on VFR - since I am colour blind and wasn't allowed to fly at night - hence a restricted PPL


I made dozens of approaches into all major Australian Airports - and a few in the UK and the States - none of them a "VOR or NAV' approach -

and have countless hours flying in all flight simulators since 1983  ---- and have never made such an approach.


Am I the definition of "a Gamer" - or a "Simmer" ?? - I have an X Box for train Sims and Formula 1 racing etc  - does that make me a gamer?


This category  defining of the 24000+ repliers to the Navigraph survey smacks of a snobbish attitude - a typical - us and THEM scenario


Please - can we drop this constant trying to define any of us  - who are delighted to have a vehicle of sorts - that allows us to still be

able to climb and soar  above the clouds - and still be able view Mother Earth like Gods:)


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the true value of flight simulators is that they can be all things to all users, from those who wish

to faithfully replicate every minute detail of the piloting experience that they may or may not have

experienced in real life, to those who just want to point and fly.

There is no good and bad until one faction seeks to either suggest that their way is the only right

one or to impose their view onto the other types of user.

The topic is Navigraph Survey Results, please stick to that. 

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Well said John, it's no secret I love MSFS, for me it's the best sim I've owned (I've had every MS and LM sims and version since FS2002, bar v5), once I return to real life flying (GA) I will probably use MSFS as a training platform before flights, something that can be done better than in other sims because of the scenery.


This plays into what do you look for in a sim, for me, yes the aircraft are the main thing, I am really looking forward to PMDG, A2A, Fenix, etc in MSFS, but the scenery is a massive part as well, and any other thing that can complete the immersion of 'being an airline pilot', something that unfortunately I can't do in real life due to a disability. So simulating it is the next best thing.


Yes MSFS brought a lot of 'gamers' into the community and even ex-simmers back. The community needed that, Robert from PMDG recently said how the FS community was in steady decline even before MSFS was a thing, whether people like it or not MSFS breathed life back into the community, and the 'gamers' that joined, even if 5-10% of them stayed and kept using to become 'serious simmers', that's good, I don't think I have ever seen the level of interaction/new 3rd party devs etc as there is now.  


There was 24,000 responses, I'd put a bet on the majority were simmers, how big is the likelihood that someone that bought the game to fly in a 'gamer' way will have heard of Orbx or an other outlet to be directed to the survey? For those who might be classed as gamers but have stumbled into the world of 3rd party, surely they are now classed a "beginner simmers" if they are looking to add to their sim.


Finally W2DR, I don't think a section of the P3D crowd realise how many people who used P3D have switched to MSFS already or planning to once product A, B or C is available for MSFS, it's 2022 tomorrow (or maybe now) surely the community would be better if we didn't have the stupid, snobbish comments of you're not a simmer as you use MSFS


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6 hours ago, John Heaton said:

can we drop this constant trying to define any of us

I'm not trying to define anybody John. And I'm going to leave this for now because if I post the way I really feel it would just get the thread locked. Peace.....Doug

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