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Bromma - ILS Cat 1 Rwy 30


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I have been practicing ILS landings recently & thought I would have a shot on 109.70, into Bromma Rwy 30, out of Arlanda.

As you can see, I made it. (Or would have if I hadn't inadvertently shut off the throttle over the threshold)

The Bromma Rwy 30 approach is a stunner but I would not wish to work in any of the buildings across the road from the runway theshhold, in particular, Flinks.


Going by the number of review videos already up on YouTube, I would say a pre-release version went out to quite a few flyers.

I recommend this one, by MiuMiu, as it shows the incredible amount of time & effort that Marcus & his team put into storefront signage, & other detail.



Overall, if you can only afford 1 Swedish payware airport, I strongly recommend you choose Bromma.

It is a gem.



Drone camera view looking back from approach into Rwy 30.



Bromma is a sliver in the middle of the shot.



Another Drone capture showing Stockholm & water co-existing.



Lined up, still on APPR on the AP. The cranes to the right are good markers.




Still on AP, still airborne & frightening the  -- out of Flinks.



Above shot from a side perspective. As you can see, plenty of ground clearance.



The artistic perspective. About here I killed AP,  & the throttle, (accidentally)



Cleverly edited shot that hides the fact that the speed had dropped to 40 kia & I was about to drop into the landing light forest. But note the undulations in the runway!


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