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P3d 5.2 update


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Some very dance-step 'happy' CPU/GPU owners running P3D v5.2, and some rubbing their chin hairs,  CPU/GPU owners, running P3D v5.2....



Some have posted on other forums, that they feel L.M has shifted more work to the CPU, back away from the GPU,  for the reason of VRAM Exhaustion Management, or better stated, so it WON'T happen....


Some owners of very high end (high or very ample VRAM)  GPU cards,  are saying that their CPU percentage on running threads are at or near 100 %.  They are noticing as we all are, that most of everybody's flight...choices of graphics, etc...whatever's...is fitting in around 3.0 GB to 3.5GB's of VRAM, and is VERY stable...as in my case...my whole P3D v5.2 loaded in sits now all the time at 3.0 GB's....which I still find amazing!  Right now at FL280 approaching Chicago downtown...my VRAM is 1.6 GB's!!!!!  The sim cranked out to 90 percent on the sliders!!!! Also, Active Sky always in the background, always.


Other than that...nobody's beefing about the graphics...nobody!  Which ever way that L.M. has made better use of DX12 and its better VRAM Management than over DX11 has never been made (in my opinion) more apparent than in the latest P3D version.  The one thing that is VERY apparent...is that if you have a 'modest' range GPU...like a 6 gigger, or 8 gigger...no matter what CPU it is dancing with...is that we (I have a GTX1070 8GB) have hit the Jack Pot with this version.  Not ONCE, has any of my usage of P3D v5.2 EVER gone into a graphics deterioration/morphing, where it looked like four gallons of different colored paint, were thrown onto a white wall.....  Whether I fly at 2,800 feet, or at my present FL280....over Chicago.....on my way in the 737 to KOAK....I can almost see a few BBQ's in peoples back yards, LOLOLOL! 


I have never been more thrilled with a flight sim...since FS9 was RTM'ed.  Never,...whether the word or phrase is overdone to death...I don't care...for myself...this SINGLE VERSION...is, and finally on my system...the 'Holy Grail' for graphics. I can't stop flying it....and DANG, but does all my Orbx (everything....BASE, Regions, Airports...man, all of it) looks so incredible, and yes, I already stated this, but am going to state it again.  I have never seen 'Orbx'...as it was intended to be seen and enjoyed...since FSX RTM,  because my CPU/GPU/DX9/10/11 could not manage VRAM well enough to avoid 'exhaustion' and then a total loss of focus...a total MESS...


Now?   Since P3D v5.2?  Never!  Still shaking my head at this....the difference from P3D v5.1 to 5.2 is quite staggering.  L.M.   you are now in my Will.... (smile!).





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1 hour ago, Orbx Flyer said:

Some very dance-step 'happy' CPU/GPU owners running P3D v5.2, and some rubbing their chin hairs,  CPU/GPU owners, running P3D v5.2....



Some have posted on other forums, that they feel L.M has shifted more work to the CPU, back away from the GPU,  for the reason of VRAM Exhaustion Management, or better stated, so it WON'T happen....


Some owners of very high end (high or very ample VRAM)  GPU cards,  are saying that their CPU percentage on running threads are at or near 100 %.  They are noticing as we all are, that most of everybody's flight...choices of graphics, etc...whatever's...is fitting in around 3.0 GB to 3.5GB's of VRAM, and is VERY stable...as in my case...my whole P3D v5.2 loaded in sits now all the time at 3.0 GB's....which I still find amazing!  Right now at FL280 approaching Chicago downtown...my VRAM is 1.6 GB's!!!!!  The sim cranked out to 90 percent on the sliders!!!! Also, Active Sky always in the background, always.


Other than that...nobody's beefing about the graphics...nobody!  Which ever way that L.M. has made better use of DX12 and its better VRAM Management than over DX11 has never been made (in my opinion) more apparent than in the latest P3D version.  The one thing that is VERY apparent...is that if you have a 'modest' range GPU...like a 6 gigger, or 8 gigger...no matter what CPU it is dancing with...is that we (I have a GTX1070 8GB) have hit the Jack Pot with this version.  Not ONCE, has any of my usage of P3D v5.2 EVER gone into a graphics deterioration/morphing, where it looked like four gallons of different colored paint, were thrown onto a white wall.....  Whether I fly at 2,800 feet, or at my present FL280....over Chicago.....on my way in the 737 to KOAK....I can almost see a few BBQ's in peoples back yards, LOLOLOL! 


I have never been more thrilled with a flight sim...since FS9 was RTM'ed.  Never,...whether the word or phrase is overdone to death...I don't care...for myself...this SINGLE VERSION...is, and finally on my system...the 'Holy Grail' for graphics. I can't stop flying it....and DANG, but does all my Orbx (everything....BASE, Regions, Airports...man, all of it) looks so incredible, and yes, I already stated this, but am going to state it again.  I have never seen 'Orbx'...as it was intended to be seen and enjoyed...since FSX RTM,  because my CPU/GPU/DX9/10/11 could not manage VRAM well enough to avoid 'exhaustion' and then a total loss of focus...a total MESS...


Now?   Since P3D v5.2?  Never!  Still shaking my head at this....the difference from P3D v5.1 to 5.2 is quite staggering.  L.M.   you are now in my Will.... (smile!).





OF, I just uninstalled and then installed the Client.  So far Ultimate Traffic, GTN, and A2A’s 182 seem ok.  Orbx look great.  BUT, why can’t I see frame rates, Pat/long, etc when using Shift+Z?  Thanks 

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18 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

OF, I just uninstalled and then installed the Client.  So far Ultimate Traffic, GTN, and A2A’s 182 seem ok.  Orbx look great.  BUT, why can’t I see frame rates, Pat/long, etc when using Shift+Z?  Thanks 

You have to do it a couple of times to get to the Frame Rate screen Jack .

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On 6/12/2021 at 9:52 PM, Orbx Flyer said:

Here you go... striaght from L.M, drag this attached file to your P3D v5.2 ROOT  GUAGES folder, and allow it to write in, or to OVERWRITE.  Your SHIFT Z will work and...if you would like to change the color from WHITE to such as what I did...to RED,  and it really is much easier to read against a blue sky background, here is how you do it.


Look for your P3D v3.2 ROOT  HTML5 folder, and then open up with Notepad ++....the following HTML:



Look for the following:


                display: flex;
                position: fixed;
                top: 1%;
                left: 1%;
                width: 98%;
                color: red;
                font-size: 16px;
                font-weight: bold;
                pointer-events: none;
             Regarding the above line starting with COLOR:    color: red; (where you see red, it was originally white. Merely backspace and type red.  Then save with Notepad ++ You see that I have indeed replaced the word white, with 'red'.  When you next run P3D v5.2 and press SHIFT-Z,  not only will it come up, but will be in a very easy to read red colored text!



No cfg file.  Was it removed from this forum?

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47 minutes ago, Bullfox said:

Instructions on how to get Shift Z working are posted on the second page of this thread by Orbx flyer in a post dated Saturday at 6:52.  I used his instructions and they work.

Got the file from LM.  Changed test to red.  5.2 is much improved smoother and less stutters.  The real test will be a 737 at KBUR though.  That was CTD city.

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9 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

OF, I just uninstalled and then installed the Client.  So far Ultimate Traffic, GTN, and A2A’s 182 seem ok.  Orbx look great.  BUT, why can’t I see frame rates, Pat/long, etc when using Shift+Z?  Thanks 

Jack, I think the bare minimum is both Client and Content.  Both of those will NOT damage your installed sceneries.  After your Client, or both Client and Content, I'd also suggest you fire up Orbx and Synchronize their content for P3D 5.x It takes five seconds and it's done.  It will tell you if the operation was a success.

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6 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Got the file from LM.  Changed test to red.  5.2 is much improved smoother and less stutters.  The real test will be a 737 at KBUR though.  That was CTD city.

Have a blast, my friend.  I just popped my 2 CosaminDS's...poured a coffee...and ready to rip with P3D v5.2 for a couple of morning hours....sets the day! :)


Post Edit:  Another thing I can suggest is that you go to 1/2 Adaptive V-sync on the nVivida control mask.  

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Just now, Orbx Flyer said:

Jack, I think the bare minimum is both Client and Content.  Both of those will NOT damage your installed sceneries.  After your Client, or both Client and Content, I'd also suggest you fire up Orbx and Synchronize their content for P3D 5.x It takes five seconds and it's done.  It will tell you if the operation was a success.

I’m installing only the client.  I had already sync’d Orbx.

It was a success.

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Just now, Orbx Flyer said:

Have a blast, my friend.  I just popped my 2 CosaminDS's...poured a coffee...and ready to rip with P3D v5.2 for a couple of morning hours....sets the day! :)

I don’t see long loading times as mentioned by you and others.  I do see a very slight difference in performance but it’s nothing major.  The only reason I did it was I was sick and tired of getting the NVIDIA CTD screen.  I was THIS close to simply giving away literally thousands of $’s in flight controls and forcing the PC to run prime numbers as punishment.  


I did tests of all A2A and PMDG planes and so far so good but they were just short flights.


At least all my Orbx stuff plays well.

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25 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

I don’t see long loading times as mentioned by you and others.  I do see a very slight difference in performance but it’s nothing major.  The only reason I did it was I was sick and tired of getting the NVIDIA CTD screen.  I was THIS close to simply giving away literally thousands of $’s in flight controls and forcing the PC to run prime numbers as punishment.  


I did tests of all A2A and PMDG planes and so far so good but they were just short flights.


At least all my Orbx stuff plays well.

The greatest perk for myself...is now totally clear and super looking ground textures...from start to finish of the flight, minutes, or hours.  

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3 minutes ago, Orbx Flyer said:

The greatest perk for myself...is now totally clear and super looking ground textures...from start to finish of the flight, minutes, or hours.  

Please post a good shot with Orbx in it of course.  I’d like to compare.

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2 minutes ago, Orbx Flyer said:

Jack, it's still at the bottom....you can grab it off that post...


2 minutes ago, Orbx Flyer said:

I haven't taken a screen shot in ages...

It says "Unavailable."  I got it from Lockheed anyway.


Can you take one you consider the best from what you're seeing and post it?

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I did a full install, sync Orbx after and then added in my aircraft. For me all has gone well and I have none of the problems I have read about on here and other places, as for shift+z  is there if you install all bits but it's whiteish, I am happy with that though....AVSIM there's a lot of the usual bellyaching but most was caused by improper installation or some thinking they don't need to read, LM have moved a few things about and that was why shift+z went AWOL...for me on my aging system I am quite content with the visuals.....

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19 hours ago, shermank said:

Hi Jack, here is one which I thinks demonstrates the clarity now available from V5.2 with Orbx.




That's it...it's what I see, ..roads that ARE ROADS, and stay roads...for hours on end, amongst other things, and don't morph to a zig (follies)  zag dance line...NOT ANY MORE!!!!!!!  Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw! "The Games, have begun!"

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20 minutes ago, David Woodford said:

Vectors is the reason your load times are so long. As discussed elsewhere in the forum.


It basically tries re-indexing the World every day when Vectors is installed.


With P5.2 it just isn’t worth it.

I didn't realize this, I will remove vector later today and see how the SIM looks...

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23 hours ago, David Woodford said:

Vectors is the reason your load times are so long. As discussed elsewhere in the forum.


It basically tries re-indexing the World every day when Vectors is installed.


With P5.2 it just isn’t worth it.

Thanks for the info, and appreciated.

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I just completed a flight out of Pearson field, KVUO, which is close to Portland up to Tacoma Narrows, KTIW.  In FSX with my old system I could not fly out of Pearson as frame rates were in single digits.  In P3Dv5.2 with my new system frame rates were in the low 40's with nearly all settings at High.  Vram went to about 5gb.  Weh I reloaded north of Portland vram dropped to a bit over 3gb.


Flying in to Tacoma I watched vram closely because in 5.1 flying out of Tacoma with the same settings vram went over 8 gb and the system crashed.  I had to lower settings to about medium to fly out after restarting.


This time in 5.2 flying into Tacoma with the settings at High vram went up to 6.4 gb and frame rates were very smooth.  Total ram usage went to a bit over 9 gb.


With True Earth in 5.2 flying out of Portland and into Tacoma were two of the most amazing things I have seen in 15 years of flight simming.

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1 hour ago, Bullfox said:

I just completed a flight out of Pearson field, KVUO, which is close to Portland up to Tacoma Narrows, KTIW.  In FSX with my old system I could not fly out of Pearson as frame rates were in single digits.  In P3Dv5.2 with my new system frame rates were in the low 40's with nearly all settings at High.  Vram went to about 5gb.  Weh I reloaded north of Portland vram dropped to a bit over 3gb.


Flying in to Tacoma I watched vram closely because in 5.1 flying out of Tacoma with the same settings vram went over 8 gb and the system crashed.  I had to lower settings to about medium to fly out after restarting.


This time in 5.2 flying into Tacoma with the settings at High vram went up to 6.4 gb and frame rates were very smooth.  Total ram usage went to a bit over 9 gb.


With True Earth in 5.2 flying out of Portland and into Tacoma were two of the most amazing things I have seen in 15 years of flight simming.

Outstanding report, this is good news.

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Deleted VECTOR and will see what the load in of TERRAIN DATA is at now, and if I can perceive any changes to coastlines, or 'lack' of what was there, with VECTOR enabled.  I hope I see nothing different, but shaving off minutes of load in time!  Everything else?  Just Dandy Doodle! :)

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3 hours ago, Orbx Flyer said:

Deleted VECTOR and will see what the load in of TERRAIN DATA is at now, and if I can perceive any changes to coastlines, or 'lack' of what was there, with VECTOR enabled.  I hope I see nothing different, but shaving off minutes of load in time!  Everything else?  Just Dandy Doodle! :)

Man...I'll take the load in time....without Vector, half or less of the highways around Illinois,  in the PNW, more jagged and as not as nice blended in coastlines and integrated into Orbx scenery,  less golf courses and other features. For those who say that there is no or little difference in running Vector over P3D assets, well ok...but not what my eyes see.  Back to Vector in P3d v5.2, and the load in wait time is now the price I'll pay for much better graphic representation all round...especially roads and road lighting for day and night.  Cheers!~


Post,  not running Orbx Vector for P3D v5.2. No thanks...lost roadways, underlay of roads, tunnels, bridges, swampland, marshes, golf courses...and Orbx Global didn't look as detailed.  I tried running without it...and no thanks.  I'll take the 5 minute further load in at start of flight.  For sure, now. Also where the default P3D terrain data had a jagged rendition of a bay on the PNW shoreline,  with Vector, that same bay had a beautiful scallop shape to it...and no jag line shore.  Yep...Vector adds to the visuals for sure. Others might disagree, and that is just fine...for they are not requiring what I want to see, on my computer monitor.  Each to their own, for sure!  If you do run, or decide to run Vector in P3D v5.2, be sure to box check the features you want in the two pages available for that, before running it.  I have everything set to on, with the exception of Tertiary Roads,  Both Main and Secondary Roads (as well as all the RAIL WAY options, have their features on), as well as all the added land and visual art assets.

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You can reduce the load time a bit by putting the level of detail radius to medium or less.  My rule of thumb is don't make the system do anything you can't see.  So if you can't really see any detail don't make the system try to display it.  I usually cannot see any details way out there.  In may case that's because I am near sighted I am not used to clearly seeing things in the far distance so it actually looks less real to me on the screen if far off details are too sharp.

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6 hours ago, Bullfox said:

You can reduce the load time a bit by putting the level of detail radius to medium or less.  My rule of thumb is don't make the system do anything you can't see.  So if you can't really see any detail don't make the system try to display it.  I usually cannot see any details way out there.  In may case that's because I am near sighted I am not used to clearly seeing things in the far distance so it actually looks less real to me on the screen if far off details are too sharp.

Bull, I have never had the L.O.D. at medium. You say that visually, you can not see any difference between that and anything higher?  I mean if that is the case, I'll use that setting.  I'll try that on the first flight today.  I have to admit something, lol...I did update MSFS with the latest patch and Nordic stuff, but did not even take a flight with that yet.  I have truly been held a captive of P3D v5.2 ever since it's dropping onto my system.  The thing is simply...stunning!  Like I said,  I had no idea since FS9, that Orbx 'synthetic' could look so Real World 'convincing'.   Well,  my exclusive usage at the moment with P3D v5.2 seems that my mind does indeed think so...  I'm just having so much fun with this flight sim right now...and it is as stable as a rock on the ground.  No crashes....no D.T.D.'s...I have been lowering this, lowering that,  upping this, upping that...and the sim processes the changes and carry's on.


   What puzzles me, is that why even months ago, could they (L.M programmers)  not push out the coding as it is now? Especially with their coding experience (I feel).   I'm not a programmer.  I don't code every day for a living.  I'm only throwing that question out there....for P3D 5.0 to P3D 5.2 to be so dramatic in  performance scope and stability.   What so changed in the coding?!?!?? Through out those release points, my System has not changed one iota!

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2 hours ago, David Woodford said:

5.2 makes Orbx looks absolutely STUNNING. Cruising south from Perth using Orbx Aus v2 (also Envshade)


3.2gb vram, all high settings 48fps absolutely no trouble 


I'm seeing this too,  have from the first...and that's what has and 'is' prompting my 'raves' on this thread. My gawd..but doesn't that now look fabulous to the eyes and senses?  As far as I am concerned...Orbx P3D 'synthetics' is right up there now on the buy list as prime, and not secondary as it was,  (well...being honest...) since launch of MSFS.  Now, it's right alongside MSFS running the race once more for my purchase dollars. Absolutely since release of P3D v5.2!!!!


Post Edit:  David, under GLOBAL titles, I have everything...running,  Global Base, all Land Class, HD Flora, HD Buildings, Every Region,  well, all of it,  and I feel to the other readers, that should be sort of a disclaimer...as I'm sure you have all of the 'Base' covered and installed to produce this view below the wings.... :)

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Looking for purchase advice...


"Ok..P3D v5.2 has me in P3D 'Purchase Mode' again..."



I'm asking for your 'ownership' opinions,  if you are USING P3D v5.2 currently...and about the following;


In regards to TrueEearth series of titles, I own at present (for v5)  the State of Florida. I am now interested to start my Due Dill, on Washington, Oregon, Northern California, etc. 


I presently own all the Regions along the West Coast of North America.  So, with no experience with TrueEarth titles on the coast...are the visuals so much more, involved, and 'better' than that which produces with the REGIONAL titles installed at present?  Of course the clarity and sharp-as-a-razor graphics of P3D v5.2 is fueling this post.  Can someone offer their opinion on the question?  Will I see a noted 'bang' for the buck with TrueEearth, where Regional is already installed?


Thanks in advance, folks!


Post edit: Great sale right now on Orb Direct...and I'm in serious buying mode...so another question:


I also am interested to pick up Half Moon Bay, and some other few West Coast airport titles, (as well as Nantucket(!)  on the East Coast...so...if I install the West Coast TrueEarth titles FIRST, will the Stand Alone airport 'scapes' around the airfields, play nice with TrueEarth?   I don't want to buy, but then mask out or over other features of purchased titles...so,  finger's tapping on the 'buy' button...can anyone offer comment on that?  Thanks!



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1 hour ago, Orbx Flyer said:

I'm seeing this too,  have from the first...and that's what has and 'is' prompting my 'raves' on this thread. My gawd..but doesn't that now look fabulous to the eyes and senses?  As far as I am concerned...Orbx P3D 'synthetics' is right up there now on the buy list as prime, and not secondary as it was,  (well...being honest...) since launch of MSFS.  Now, it's right alongside MSFS running the race once more for my purchase dollars. Absolutely since release of P3D v5.2!!!!


Post Edit:  David, under GLOBAL titles, I have everything...running,  Global Base, all Land Class, HD Flora, HD Buildings, Every Region,  well, all of it,  and I feel to the other readers, that should be sort of a disclaimer...as I'm sure you have all of the 'Base' covered and installed to produce this view below the wings.... :)

yes pretty much all the base stuff except Vectors which is deactivated. I don’t have everything at max though and I certainly have dynamically generated buildings turned off

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25 minutes ago, David Woodford said:

yes pretty much all the base stuff except Vectors which is deactivated. I don’t have everything at max though and I certainly have dynamically generated buildings turned off

I also have the P3D trees as off, but I am running Vector. I have my sliders all at 90 percent of full right.  I'm going to play with Bull's suggestion of turning down Level of Detail to 50 percent or Medium and see how that affects my 'view'. If no difference discerned, then will keep it there.   Orbx has a great 40 percent sale off right now...so am hoping I will get some feed back from my post this morning...

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