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Seafront Simulations

John Heaton

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Seafront Simulations - Orbx (orbxdirect.com)


Am I the first to see this new addition from Orbx for MSFS - which I got this morning via E mail

Nevertheless - the pics included in the mail - not shown in the URL above - look brilliant.

How far this addon goes around the World but it seems to solve one of the biggest errors in MSFS

i.e. the depths where water is concerned.


I will try the free download after the MSFS update including UK on the 10/11th


It must be very new - I couldn't find it on Central to download???

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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to Seafront Simulations
2 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello John,

I have amended your title, this is not an Orbx product.

Thankyou for that Nick


There was nothing on the original email to suggest that it wasn't - except perhaps the title

and the Orbx involvement is now obvious - even if my "title" was in error


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10 hours ago, John Heaton said:

Seafront Simulations - Orbx (orbxdirect.com)


Am I the first to see this new addition from Orbx for MSFS - which I got this morning via E mail

Nevertheless - the pics included in the mail - not shown in the URL above - look brilliant.

How far this addon goes around the World but it seems to solve one of the biggest errors in MSFS

i.e. the depths where water is concerned.


I will try the free download after the MSFS update including UK on the 10/11th


It must be very new - I couldn't find it on Central to download???





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I am aware that for a long time, Orbx Central and FTX Central before it, were used exclusively to install Orbx products.

Times change and times have changed.

Orbx Central is now also a marketing tool for other developers, known as "Partners".

It is made perfectly clear in each case and in all published advertising that a Partner developer's product is by that Partner.

It does not explicitly state that the products are not by Orbx and it will not do so.

The information is there for the customer who wishes to read it.

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As the OP - I feel the need to comment since what I was verbalising about was the clever idea

behind this new addon and what it means to the Water level garbage thrown up in MSFS.


Suddenly - the thread gets lost - in an Argument - nothing to do with my original comments except 

that I had mistakenly assumed - from the Email I received from Orbx - that it was an Orbx product-

further suggested - when I went to "Orbx Direct" - by the offer a freeware addon - as per the Email -

and mentioned it was by some Simulations company. Just like all the airports under the same freeware section

for the other sims as well as MSFS !


I realise that my old brain can sometimes be confused - but it isn't the case of my left and right sides of

the brain - but sometimes - because Orbx is spread around - and the frenzy around MSFS - it could be

Orbx's  - "Left side not communicating with the Right side" - and maybe a case of the marketing side not 

informing other departments - and not shown in the Forum under Partner Announcements.


Before starting this note - I went to Central - and as the screenshot shows -when I went to MY MSFS products

- there is no indication of this "Partner" ------ but I did see one named - Auscenes --- surprise - Surprise !!


Around 2 weeks ago  - I started a thread - ("Another Aussie Orbx") - about a developer that was producing

Secondary Aussie airports for MSFS - and had done Adelaide for P3D- and more to come - and suggested that

they could be great partners for Orbx  and I would get out the plastic - if they were offered by Orbx.


I was hauled over the coals for breaking the forum rules - suggested that I use the developers website to advertise Orbx

and the subject padlocked.


Sooooh - I did email Auscenes - not the website - with the suggestion they approach Orbx - and got a smiley;) back 


1 week later - Just check the second name on the left in my screen shot ----- time to get out the plastic???  :)

Screenshot 2021-02-11 131713.jpg

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On 2/9/2021 at 4:42 AM, John Heaton said:


How far this addon goes around the World but it seems to solve one of the biggest errors in MSFS

i.e. the depths where water is cconcrned.


I thought this add on will add ship traffic. Will it also provide changes to water (exept adding wake)? 

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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello John,

as the number of Partners increases, so does the amount of space required to add them to the banner.

I can see that a change is soon to be required but at present, if you set Orbx Central to the full sized window,

you will see them all.

How? - we have had this problem before 

I use a standard HD screen 1920x1080

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Hello John, if you go to C:\Users\your name\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central

and open central.json with Notepad, try editing this section like this:



"window": {
    "height": 1080,
    "width": 1920,
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0,
    "isMaximized": false

 and see how it looks.

For me, that fills the screen and looks like this:



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Hj - Nick  - Brad B and Wolfco



I have done all that you suggested and it didn't work


My "Monitor" is a brand new HD 1920x1080 Hisense 50" TV - just bought because trying to get P3D 4/5

onto my 43"4K was a waste of time with my mid range PC - even with a new 8Gig card


In Windows settings - display is clearly 1920x1080 and recommends 150% zoom

Changing this down say to 100% does actually  increase the width of Central but still not enough

and all the rest of the computer is almost unreadable


I see all that I need to see in Central when I am checking what I have installed and when purchasing new stuff

and the partners I need are all shown on Central


Should I need to re-do the exercise - that led me to this point - I will just go to Orbx Direct and look up 

what I want from that page which clearly shows a full list of partners - and I have uninstalled Central and reinstalled

without any change and returned j.son to its original and I am still at square one


I believe that somewhere in the coding of Central resolution - that it expects a monitor - as we used to have - before the

advent of large HD/Ultra HD - and has a different way of Pixel interpretation - when using a TV as a monitor


Thanks for trying to help



To get back to the original thread - one of the very reasons I will not use MSFS - is the way they left us with shorelines

and water depth that bordered on the ludicrous in that the "Tides" were always King +++ Tides - and leaving the problem to

others to E.G. - unsink the cruiser in the Thames - drowning out hundreds of yachts and jetties all over  the  World --- etc 


I have well documented other huge deficiencies in the sim  - such My Gold Coast - depicted as it was 7 years ago - and I will not be

part of these Beta operations that developers are in ---correcting such glaring errors in what we were promised in June '19

as real scenery


Maybe on the 16th when the updated UK finally happens - we will see Blackpool with its Tower and 3 Piers of Entertainment:D

and around 2022  we will  get an Australian update:ph34r:

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Hello John


I hope that this may be of some help. 


Finding the right setting on your TV will vary between manufacturers and models. Usually, the setting is available on the TV under Picture or Picture Settings , Size or Advanced Options or something similar.


Look for a setting called Aspect Ratio. If there is a  setting called Screen Fit  try changing to that. If there isn't ,there often will be settings such as  auto, wide, normal , zoom , panoramic etc.  There may also be something called "pixel mapping" which I believe is just a different way of describing the Screen Fit function that some manufacturers refer to.


You will have to experiment with different settings to see if this helps.  Most of the time , the TV's auto feature works just fine for normal TV component add on devices , but connected to a PC it may not be receiving the proper "handshake" information to know what to do. 


 Pixel mapping or fit to screen , especially if it is listed as  the 1:1 name  (i.e. 1:1 Fit to Screen , or 1:1 Pixel ) may do it for you. Also there may be a direct connection option available which may also work . If either of these types of options are listed , I would try them first.


Sorry this is a bit vague, but it's the only thing that I could think of.  Some TV's are literally just plug and play when connected to a computer, others take a bit of trial and error to find the right setting.  My son has a large screen Panasonic which automatically connects to a Mac , but connected to a PC required going through the settings on his TV until he found one that worked.






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Thanks Pete - once again for trying to help


I have just spent 75 mins trying every setting my TV has -and the nearest to give me slightly better

sized Central was pixel to pixel (direct) - and I think - on my Radeon software - all the ones I could play with

The list ends at MK studios which should give someone an idea of the problem


On reflection - my problem is Central trying to get a quart into a pint pot of "available width" - and any more partners

the problem will get worse


I cannot believe - with the move amongst simmers  - and Gamers - to using Large TVs as monitors - that I am the only 

one with this problem - (maybe the subject of a Forum Hardware question) - prior to the Hisense - I was using a 43" Samsung 

and had the same problems with Central


As far as My "relationship" with Central - I see everything that I need - in P3D 4+5 and X plane


As I use MSFS in a limited way - I have no intentions to be purchasing any addons that I need to identify the developer to purchase via

Central due to publicity elsewhere in Orbx - eg Auscene ;) and Simulations -


I.E. - until the X box Sim is on offer - and MSFS have recently said that 3rd party addons will still be available if required - by which time

Central may/will stop relying on a stretched screen

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8 hours ago, John Heaton said:

Thanks Pete - once again for trying to help


I have just spent 75 mins trying every setting my TV has -and the nearest to give me slightly better

sized Central was pixel to pixel (direct) - and I think - on my Radeon software - all the ones I could play with

The list ends at MK studios which should give someone an idea of the problem


On reflection - my problem is Central trying to get a quart into a pint pot of "available width" - and any more partners

the problem will get worse


I cannot believe - with the move amongst simmers  - and Gamers - to using Large TVs as monitors - that I am the only 

one with this problem - (maybe the subject of a Forum Hardware question) - prior to the Hisense - I was using a 43" Samsung 

and had the same problems with Central


As far as My "relationship" with Central - I see everything that I need - in P3D 4+5 and X plane


As I use MSFS in a limited way - I have no intentions to be purchasing any addons that I need to identify the developer to purchase via

Central due to publicity elsewhere in Orbx - eg Auscene ;) and Simulations -


I.E. - until the X box Sim is on offer - and MSFS have recently said that 3rd party addons will still be available if required - by which time

Central may/will stop relying on a stretched screen


Hi John

Sorry that you are still having problems.  Had an additional look and discovered this article at AmD.....


I assumed that you had tried user control adjustments with no joy which is why I suggested the above as a next step.


This may be the root cause of your issue & how to adjust your screen.




Fingers crossed that this may do it:)


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12 hours ago, John Heaton said:

Thanks Pete - once again for trying to help


I have just spent 75 mins trying every setting my TV has -and the nearest to give me slightly better

sized Central was pixel to pixel (direct) - and I think - on my Radeon software - all the ones I could play with

The list ends at MK studios which should give someone an idea of the problem


On reflection - my problem is Central trying to get a quart into a pint pot of "available width" - and any more partners

the problem will get worse


I cannot believe - with the move amongst simmers  - and Gamers - to using Large TVs as monitors - that I am the only 

one with this problem - (maybe the subject of a Forum Hardware question) - prior to the Hisense - I was using a 43" Samsung 

and had the same problems with Central


As far as My "relationship" with Central - I see everything that I need - in P3D 4+5 and X plane


As I use MSFS in a limited way - I have no intentions to be purchasing any addons that I need to identify the developer to purchase via

Central due to publicity elsewhere in Orbx - eg Auscene ;) and Simulations -


I.E. - until the X box Sim is on offer - and MSFS have recently said that 3rd party addons will still be available if required - by which time

Central may/will stop relying on a stretched screen


John, do I understand you correctly, you are having this issue only with Orbx Central? All the sims and your other programs and apps are displayed as they should?

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1 hour ago, wolfko said:


John, do I understand you correctly, you are having this issue only with Orbx Central? All the sims and your other programs and apps are displayed as they should?

Thats a good point Wolfgang. @wolfko  There appears to be a separate setting in the amd software for UI scaling which could  correct the text scaling which might sort out the issue.


It appears that John was happy with what he saw with P3D  



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@ Nick


Yes Pete - I knew about the AMD HDI trick and all the result was to increase the black border each

movement of the slider from default - without any effect on the size of Central.

The default position is what I am normally at - no black border



I note that Nicks view - to me is quite "Panoramic" and in the scale of 2:1 and not 1.77 - and he says

he is using 2k and I am not sure of the actual dimensions for 2K  -  I use 4K on my other TV and X box - which is a ratio of 1.77


Notice the large gap between My Product and the MSFS BOX - and the "Normality" between the box and the end of screen


In Central - when I am in either P3D 4 0r 5 my product list - my picture is the same picture as Nicks - but the above gap is smaller

Somehow you are able to stretch the picture - or Central is - assuming our screen sizes being the same as mine in pixel terms - ie 16:9 or 1.77


I  have no problems with any other software - and yes Pete - I see "my" problem solely with Central - that for some reason -

occurs on 3 different TV Monitor - and Yes - as you say - I am happy using P3D 4 or 5 until the X box sim version is released

Thanks to the 3 of you trying to help - 

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