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MSFS - Wizz/A320neo departing from EGNM


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2 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Smashing set these Dario.




Thank you very much indeed, Iain! 


1 hour ago, lifejogger said:

Excellent shots Dario!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you very much indeed!


1 hour ago, TigerTigerM said:

Excellent set Dario.

Nice use of light & shot composing that shows the undulating runway.

Is this one of the liveries from the "Megapacks"??



Thank you very much indeed, TTM! Exactly, it comes from the Megapacks. 


7 minutes ago, raffles said:

Very Nice pics, thank you for showing.


Thank you very much indeed!


4 minutes ago, BradB said:

Excellent shots Dario . :):)


Thank you very much indeed, John!  :) 

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2 hours ago, Wakashi said:

Pics like these could make this airport everyone’s favorite, well done Dario! :)

Thank you very much for your words, Wakashi! :) 


1 hour ago, Taph said:

Beautiful set Dario

Thank you very much, Taph! :) 

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20 hours ago, Steve Colbert said:

Gorgeous set of shots from the new sim Dario!



Thank you very much, Steve! :) 


18 hours ago, jean marc said:

wow the light !!  and the beautiful livery ! ... and yes the airport seems not too bad 8) thanks Dario 

Thank you very much, Jean Marc! MSFS is indeed a feast to the eyes!  :) 


13 hours ago, adambar said:

Sensational set of shots Dario! :)

Thank you very much, Adam! :) 


7 hours ago, wain71 said:

great work Dario, looks so nice in sim...


Thank you very much, Wain! :) 

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