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Orbx Central cannot find the sim


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Thank you John but it doesn't work and I have 5 sims in Orbx Central. Perhaps because it's the Xbox version using the game pass. It's only 1 Euro....:)

But the sim installed to the same drive as my FSX. And it works without problems.

Need PTA and an ga aircraft with analog cockpit and autopilot, than it will be fine.  










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@andiflyit has not yet submitted his Orbx central log file which will assist in determining why Orbx Central is not seeing MSFS as installed.

@wain71  @HomoPrintus I suggest you both submit your Orbx Central log files available via Orbx Central/settings/help and post your issue to the Orbx Central support forum where the Orbx Central team can take a look.

Although this is the MSFS support forum it is mainly for supporting issues with Orbx addons that are installed. Your issues are more to do with MSFS not being found by Orbx Central for some reason and better suited in the Orbx Central support forum as it is an issue with Orbx Centre.

@Nick Cooper

 If you concur then please move this topic to the Orbx Central support  forum. Thanks

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I have the same issue. Orbx Central v...23 can't find the MSFS. MSFS has been installed via MS Store. I think I know the reason in my case: I have installed MSFS in my Standard Windows account (that has no admin rights). In parallel there is my Admin account, that I only use for maintaining the PC.

But Orbx Central is requesting admin rights when starting up. I assume Orbx Central is looking for MSFS in the %AppData% of my admin user, and not in %AppData% of my standard user. Did a short test: When I copy over %AppData%\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache from my standard account to the admin account then Orbx central finds MSFS. But I think this not a very elegant solution. Haven't done any further tests. Does Orbx require to have MSFS installed for admin user?


Thanks for your help.

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Hi all,


it doesn't work if I start it as administrator as well.


Meanwhile I came to the decision that the screen setup of the sim is not acceptable at all.

The sun is everywhere and drives me crazy. I cannot see what I want to see. The sky is too bright and the clouds

and sometimes I cannot even see the scenery because of the bright sun.


So I will now wait if this will be improved by Asobo or if some tool will be available as Xvision or Pta.

Up to this point of time the problem with Orbx Central will be solved by the developers, I'm sure.








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Btw: Orbx Central is starting always with Admin rights on my machine. I have no possibility to start the tool w/o admin rights. Is it possible to start Orbx Central w/o admin rights? Maybe that would help the tool to find my MSFS.

Strangely Orbx Central has been installed correctly into my Standard Windows (non-admin) account, i.e. the executable is at "C:\Users\my_std_user\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\Orbx Central.exe" But the exe is flagged with the "run as admin-blue-yellow-shield".


I assume the tool needs to evaluate the MSFS config file from "C:\Users\my_std_user\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt" but it seems that it only looks in the admin account AppData, i.e. at "C:\Users\my_admin_user\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt" but this does not exists as I have installed the MSFS as standard user.


Just for testing I tried to simply copy over the UserCfg.opt from my standard user to the admin user (I created all the folder structue AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\) and if I now start up Orbx Central it is working and finds my MSFS. I haven't tried to install any scenery...and I don't want to try as this hack seems to be not too elegant and I want to avoid any file mixups that possibly force me to do a complete re-install of MSFS.


To me the currently the only clean solution is to buy and install the scenery via the MSFS Marketplace.

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this does crop up from time to time, I had thought that it had been addressed

by the Orbx Central developers, but apparently not.

It must be that the vast majority of PC user accounts are administrator accounts

or we would be seeing this every day and from every customer.

I cannot see how copying the appdata file to the admin folder could possibly affect MSFS,

it will never look at your administrator appdata account, as it is not installed there.


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Hi all,


with a view to user accounts I have always had the problem that Orbx Central always installs to the user account "others"

and this is my admin account only there. It also downloads every update to this account.


But usually I use another user account with standard permissions. I always have to copy the update files over to this account

and than start Orbx Central from there to get the update installed.


I think what is missing during installation of Orbx Central is the possibility to choose between users. 

If it should install for "all users" or which user it should install to.




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Ok, I see this was operator error on my part.  I didn't realize there was a pull-down at the top of the screen to select the simulator.  This should probably be made a bit more obvious, or just eliminate the step altogether.



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On 9/7/2020 at 9:49 AM, Josh Koz said:

Hi @andiflyit


Can you attach you central.log file here? From that we should be able to determine why the simulator isn't being detected.

Hi Josh,


the problem is the Xbox installation of the sim. The logfile only shows details related to the other sims.

And Orbx Central works with my P3d, Xplane, FSX and FSX Steam.


It seems to be that because of the Xbox installation the sim is treated as a Microsoft Store App and these are hidden.

The folders are hidden and locked. This is the reason why I cannot find the EXE file as well.

There is an installation folder on one of my drives but in this is a lot of stuff like aircraft and so. This is not the app itself.


But at this moment I will not do a boxed installation. I first want to see some improvements to the light in the sim.




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Hello Andreas,

there is an option to move the "app" in Windows 10.

If you do, as I did, you can access the required folders and I think

that Orbx Central should be able to as well.


Here, I have moved the app to my G drive.

It should be noted that unless you installed to the default location,

this will not move any of the core files.

If you did and you want the core files to stay on your C drive, then you can't move the app, of course.

Also, shortcuts are left in the appdata\local location, so it might still not work.

It might be worth a try if your configuration supports it.






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On 9/13/2020 at 9:23 AM, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Andreas,

there is an option to move the "app" in Windows 10.

Hello Nick, I am a bit faster but it didn't work. But I will tell you what I have for Flight Simulator:


1. A desktop icon to start it. Can also start it via Xbox but this is not mendatory.

2. Exactly the same folder you are pointing to in \user\appdata\local\packages.

3. On my drive h:\Microsoft Flight Simulator. And in this one I have 1. the folder "Community" with some aircraft paints in it. 

    And 2. Official\OneStore and here I have the following folders, I show it in the image below:FS_Folders.thumb.JPG.f8e95ae09915f45b57279a4015025d39.JPG

I cannot find anything else related to Flight Simulator on the entire machine, and I cannot find the EXE.


Hope this helps to find the reason for the problem.




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this is what I am told that Orbx Central looks for, depending on the version installed and then reads

the installed location from that file.


  • %LOCALAPPDATA%/Packages/Microsoft.KHAlpha_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalCache/UserCfg.opt
  • %LOCALAPPDATA%/Packages/Microsoft.FlightSimDisc_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalCache/UserCfg.opt
  • %LOCALAPPDATA%/Packages/Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalCache/UserCfg.opt
  • %APPDATA%/Microsoft Flight Simulator/UserCfg.opt - Specific to Steam
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12 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


this is what I am told that Orbx Central looks for, depending on the version installed and then reads

the installed location from that file.


  • %LOCALAPPDATA%/Packages/Microsoft.KHAlpha_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalCache/UserCfg.opt
  • %LOCALAPPDATA%/Packages/Microsoft.FlightSimDisc_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalCache/UserCfg.opt
  • %LOCALAPPDATA%/Packages/Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalCache/UserCfg.opt
  • %APPDATA%/Microsoft Flight Simulator/UserCfg.opt - Specific to Steam

Hello Nick, I have version 3 as in your example above, the path in UserCfg.opt is correct but it doesn't work.

I don't have a folder xxxxxx.KHAlphaxxxxx    or  xxxxxxxxFlightSimDiscxxxxxxxxxxxx.




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This may or may not be related to the last update of MSFS not really sure? When I did the latest update to MSFS I no longer can even start the simulator. When I click on the icon to start it justs defaults to the Microsoft Play Store. So today I figured I would open up Orbx Central and see if all was well. Simply put it is not working: same issue a lot of folks are having. Think I will give the old sim a rest as this looks like the beginning of more woes to come:) Looks like something is corrupted and now the search begins.

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I had exactly the same problem, out of the blue, with MSFS.

Of course, once it is "no longer installed", Orbx Central cannot see it.

I followed a convoluted path that involved uninstalling MSFS,

without actually removing the 100GB of core files and then reinstalling

the app part and replacing the core files before running it.

It reached the "checking for updates" screen, where it would normally

download the 100 GB again and fortunately recognised the existing files

and started.

You may find some of this useful, I hope so.

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On 9/16/2020 at 8:39 AM, Nick Cooper said:

Thanks, could you please delete your central.log file, then run Orbx Central and after closing it, attach a copy of the new log please?

Then we can ask @Josh Koz to take a look at it.

Please find my Central.log here:      central.log


My MSFS starts and runs without problems, it's only the Orbx Central mess.





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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @andiflyit


Thanks for providing your log file. The sim-finding process is executing and there is indeed something unexpected occurring.


[Simfinder] Found simulators: [afs2, fsx, fsxse, p3dv4, xp11]


One of the first steps performed when looking for Microsoft Flight Simulator is finding all exisiting UserCfg.opt files. Normally a log entry is written whether or not any are found. This entry is absent from your log file. I can only guess that the process is encountering an error while looking for the UserCfg.opt files and exiting before it can log what it did or didn't find.

I'm in the process of adding an almost extensive amount of logging and error handling to this code path to catch every possible edge case including the one you've encountered.

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