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The Ugly Country - Part 4/7

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Dear passengers, today's flight with China Eastern will take us to Kunming in Yunnan, China's southwestern province.


As always, we hold environmental standards in a high regard and carefully elaborated the most direct route.



"Mommy, the people on the other side, they do hilltop agriculture?" -- "Umm, it seems, it seems..."



Now that's well done architecture - and an awesome angle!



The flight takes us a looooong way above the South China Sea.



Dear passengers, you can see the Hainan Strait on your left hand side.



The Leizhou Peninsula reaches out towards Hainan, also known as "China's Hawaii". Why not rename it 'Haiwan' then?



Qinzhou Bay.



Clouds to the rescue, please!



Yunnan has a quite elevated topography. Well, China has a quite elevated topography, doesn't it?



Here we cross Lake Fuxian on our descent towards Kunming - China's second deepest lake.



... and Lake Dian - Kunming is just to the right outside of the picture.










We fly a long pattern around the city to approach the airport from the northeast.



Please note that we reduced the level of uglyness to increase passenger comfort during the last phase of the flight.











Where does the rain come from? From the cloud in front of us or from the cloud ab... wait...??? China, the land of wonders!



On short final!





The new airport of Kunming lies at an altitude of 6900 ft ...



... which I forgot to take into account - the landing resulted a bit hard and to the right.



Judging by the map on the display, I'm not sure which part of the world they are controlling from this tower. But the view towards the city is priceless.



Thank you for choosing China Eastern Airlines for your trip to Yunnan. We hope to see you again. The next stop will bring our aircraft (and passengers) to their limits!

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Another great flight, Lars. With some nice perspectives in these screenshots...


50 minutes ago, Captain Lars said:

China has a quite elevated topography,

Oh yes, China has interesting mountains (not in Jiangsu, but south and inland). It could look really diverse, given a good mesh, landclass or - in reality - less fog.

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2 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Another great flight, Lars. With some nice perspectives in these screenshots...


Oh yes, China has interesting mountains (not in Jiangsu, but south and inland). It could look really diverse, given a good mesh, landclass or - in reality - less fog.

China has incredibly beautiful, haunting, diverse landscapes. You can find everything there, from dull plain, rolling hills, steep mountains with bambus wood or without any vegetation at all, the dryest deserts, tundra, glaciers to lush tropical vegetation. And the world's hightest altitude airports! You could do incredible flying there.


1 hour ago, BradB said:

Terrific shots Lars !! .

Thanks John, I'm glad you like it.

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There is a flight I'd like to recommend

I'll see if later I post some pictures ( I did it some time ago when had the "yellow" fever :lol: )

The scenery looks awesome. It seems you have not done it

I'll highlight it to you



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30 minutes ago, carlosqr said:

Cool shots Lars

Kumming is an awesome scenery one of my Chinese favs

Interesting flight



Gracias Carlos, the terminal building is surely a sight to behold.


28 minutes ago, carlosqr said:

There is a flight I'd like to recommend

I'll see if later I post some pictures ( I did it some time ago when had the "yellow" fever :lol: )

The scenery looks awesome. It seems you have not done it

I'll highlight it to you



Yes, sure! I'm curious now.


18 minutes ago, musterpilot said:

Very nice shots



Thanks again, John!

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12 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Interesting flight.

Isn't it? And not that ugly at all in the last part of the flight. :D


10 hours ago, adambar said:

Top-notch set there Lars. :)

Thank you for flying with us!


7 hours ago, wain71 said:

great shots, great flight.....

Thank you, Wain! I'm glad you liked it, too. 

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