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The essence of IFR flying


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For this flight out of McCall, Idaho, I needed to take a slightly faster bird.


The Pilatus PC-21 looked just right.


So I went west to Brownlee Dam...


... and followed Snake River northwards.


Across Hells Canyon Dam...


...through some nice corners...








... up to Lewiston.


Over the plains...




... to Lower Granite Dam, ...


... and finally to Spokane.




Into the obvious airport.


Let me see if I find someone here to share a drink or two...


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8 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Super flight Gerold!!!!!!  Excellent shots and narration.

Thank you John!


6 hours ago, Caluma65 said:

Nice journey Gerold.  Shame the weather looks rather moody.  Cheers,


It was an early morning flight (to have more shadows on the hills). Wait til the sun comes out, then Snake River would probably look like Tahiti!


6 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Wonderful trip Gerold. Best potatoes come from Idaho. Too bad I've lost Rodgers phone number. He would've had a beer:P with you since he lives in Spokane.:D

Potatoes might be a begining, but the phone number could help more. At least Rodger is not the only one we know in or around Spokane...


5 hours ago, olderndirt said:

Welcome to Washington where all the rivers are dammed - several times :).  I like your Pilatus with the HUD - they'd be worthwhile in any plane though a bit expensive. 

Thank you OnD. These dams are good marks for orientation, and well added to the scenery.

I did not look at the HUD while gliding over the river, it was just the right speed...


3 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Nice shots!  McCall is very beautiful in winter Gerold.  They have a winter carnival with snow sculpture on the frozen lake.  It's a paradise there, not to mention the skiing.

That sounds great, Jack. I did not know that, but I will check in Mrs. Internet!


1 hour ago, BradB said:

Excellent shots Gerold . 

Thank you John. You see I come closer to your backyard...

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7 hours ago, wain71 said:

nice flight Gerold...super shots....


7 hours ago, adambar said:

Beautiful captures Gerold. :)


6 hours ago, Eberhard Haberkorn said:

Another wonderful and beauitful set of shots.


Thank you, mates. A rare occasion to do an IFR flight mainly manual...

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