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What a difference, the O.S. you run, makes!

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I'm having steller performance from my W10 Pro v2004 installation.  I didn't truly realize HOW MUCH,  your O.S. does impact simply everything you see come together from your flight sim.


For instance, between W10 Pro v1809 and v2004,  clarity, ground color, how real the clouds render out now...as so much better a visual and usage experience running P3D v5.x on v2004, rather than my previous v1809.


Clarity and resolution of textures, color, and smoothness of animation,  is now a pleasure under v2004.  

Here's taking off on a morning flight out of KORS


























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3 hours ago, Richard Lincoln said:

Nice Shots, I didn't know the Kodiak was compatible

It truly wasn't under v1809,  engine wouldn't start from key commands, problems with the virtual cockpit.  On my first usage of P3D v5.x under v2004, all problems with this aircraft....were gone!  The cockpit clarity is the best I have ever seen, since buying it.   W10 Pro v2004 is a total winner!

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5 hours ago, JoseCFII said:

Beautiful pics Mitch! I will be upgrading to Win 10 2020 soon.


I recommend, that you try when setting up the W10(x) install program the switch for BOTH Keep your Apps and Personal Files.  (I believe that is the DEFAULT set-up). 

If you see, that you don't come to 100 % install routine completions,  on the next go, set the flag to only KEEP YOUR PERSONAL FILES, and let 'er riip.  That's what got me, on my system past a 48% install failure due to a reported PnP (code x) fault/failure.  With only KEEP MY PERSONAL FILES chosen, I sailed past the 48% install 'wall', and finished right out to a great and successful W10 Pro v2004 install. I then as a first thing, went to UPDATE and kept hammering on that, until no more update files downloaded and it said that my v2004 was up to date.


Depending what else you have on your system (Please note: Not EVERYTHING, (apps.ex) on your system gets deleted...for this is not a wipe...but only what the M.S. install routine sees as a conflict that will prevent a full and complete installation)  the updater will download security updates and whatnot for those installations, like my work apps,  and other installed goodies.  It took about ten times constant updating requests, one after the other, to finally have a YOUR O.S. IS UP TO DATE, or whatever it says, lol.   So for all that read this...if you simply can't (each system and app load in is different!) get a full installation routine happening...go for the KEEP PERSONAL FILES, and you will have to reinstall anything that the routine deleted (just the program blah-blah.exe gets deleted, but all other files stay in place.


You only have to run your full install program for that deleted blah-blah.exe file to be properly reinstalled. It took me a day of seeing what was gone...what didn't work, what shortcuts on the Desktop no longer were linked to anything...and then dragged out my install disks, or downloaded archived executes and reinstalled until everything I needed back was running as normal.   One more thing for the reader to note...is that I even got to install programs that were released (some favorites!) for XP....so v2004 (is actually v2004 and not v2020) is VERY SYSTEM FRIENDLY!!!!  I'd dare say, that anything you ran before installing, WILL RUN or INSTALL again!

Happy usage, all!

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3 hours ago, Eberhard Haberkorn said:

Thanks for the heads up on the new version and your comments on the installation. 


Great looking shots!



I have an older 'persnickety' system...and truly feel that most everybody, if they need to use ONLY KEEP MY PERSONAL FILES,  will have a pain-free, successful install.  After that...WOWZER!  It seems to truly make a difference,  visually and program performance-wise, with this latest version of W10.   You finally see a difference! :)

Have a happy update!

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