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Stop over at Santa Barbara. Oh Boy.


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We got sick and tired of that "flipping" snow in Alaska and went and took a holiday in San Diego. Now we got sick and tired of getting sand in our beers and hot dawgs on the beach. So we started heading back to the place were men a men and Bears are nervous. Hilda says:"Hey boys, I wanna see Santa Barbara and that ain't no request :angry::unsure:. I'm the cap'n of this ship and I say where we land, I say looking at Hilda. And she's giving me the stink eye. Oooops. I saw that look and I said. "It will be my pleasure to stop at Santa Barbara, Hilda":unsure::DSo here we are folks. Lovely Santa Barbara.LQAShNS.jpgGetting of the plane T-Bone spots this nice, good looking lady and heads over to her table and before I can give him a warning, he pulls up a chair and says: Howdy purdy lady I's a pilot can I buy y'all a drink?" She looks up with her "purdy" blue eyes and sweetly asks T-Bone:" what y'all flying, fly boy?" T-Bone:"Why I fly that nice classy Gooney Bird over there. She says:"Why ladeda I'am the Captain of a 747 you old "Air Dawg" so y'all git lost now ":D:oT-Bone replies: "But, but the're ain't no 747's here, it's to small'n airport for them. She says: "Sure there are Jack Sawyer lands'em here all the time":rolleyes::D.7GmLMJQ.jpg3MgaP8d.jpg. Good old T-'s expression is priceless:unsure::'(. So I yell at T-Bone."Hey T git over here I buy the beers".Well y'all should see old T's expression right there:P:lol:"I's coming cap'n Karl". So we head for the Bar. And what's going on here: "Hey barkeep come out where ever you are" T-Bone yells :"Yeah bartender git up here we need some serious beers. We'all got a long flight ahead".:rolleyes:3MgaP8d.jpgMeanwhile unbeknownst to us up on the mezzanine is this poor guy thinking:" Holy sh.. cow I don't think I wanna go to Alaska on that thing with them two idiots:o:angry:but that large lady named Hilda set me at least a little at ease:wub:.YyDKfd7.jpgOK so after we got our beer from the gas station across from this beautiful airport (we all gotta have a serious talk with Misha's beautiful airport rendering about that bar w/o a bartender:rolleyes:)We's getting ready to depart on our way North to Alaska and back to the stinking snow, we miss for some stupid reason:huh::unsure::D. I look outta my window and say: "Look T-Bone there is that scared looking guy again". T-Bone yells at Hilda:" Hilda go get that guy and bring him aboard any way you can.B)Heck Hilda just smiled at him in walked up like a "Lamb":rolleyes::lol:DmHTtZ7.jpgOK Guys that's it for now. We're stuck for another night. The guy we thought was scared turned out to be the missing bartender and he opened up the Lounge and is buying. That purdy 747 Captain is joining us. So y'all eat yer hearts out while we's having fun;):lol:. Cheers the Mules.:P:DA while later:qe0L8Wo.jpg

(Gosh I hope no one is offended. Just saying) k   

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Karl you're a natural comedian! Yep, I do land 'em there sometime. And that look from Hilda, the "stink eye" had me rolling! :lol: Fantastic shots of the interior, I seldom go inside like this so I never know which ones have a detailed interior.  Always inspirational! 

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6 hours ago, adambar said:

Nice story and shots Karl. :D  I would like to know how y'all make any money, seems like all yunz do is drink beer and scare all the potential customer away. :D

Thank you Adam. Good question y'all have there. Our beers are expensive and our Pax love the abuse:rolleyes: plus they pay for the "Fear factor":unsure::D. Cheer k:lol:

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2 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Karl you're a natural comedian! Yep, I do land 'em there sometime. And that look from Hilda, the "stink eye" had me rolling! :lol: Fantastic shots of the interior, I seldom go inside like this so I never know which ones have a detailed interior.  Always inspirational! 

:DThank you so much Jack.:lol:

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You got me already with the first paragraph, Karl. But your story became better and better. And o-so realistic, I can really feel the faces of the involved. Enjoy your stay at the meanwhile-manned bar and have enough drinks to make the DC-3 appear as big as a 747 for that pilot!

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