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The need for speed.


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I like the Phantom so I took the one included in XP-11 for a flight.



A beautiful dawn to try out the Phantom.



Perfect conditions, what is that creaking noise.



No problems, we still have one wing.



Pass me the manual please.



Now where are the instructions about using the ejector seat.


Luckily nobody was hurt with the wreckage landing in a field of Ladies Fingers and the crop was damaged. The farmer wasn't very happy though.

I guess he has never heard of the Phantom of the Okra:wacko:


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A fantastic looking plane this ghost is. As long as in one piece.


13 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

the Phantom of the Okra

I knew you had a classical education and knew all musicals.


5 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Was it pilot error?

Impossible. It was Martyn at the sticks!

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23 hours ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Hey VH-KDK. All that gripping excitement so that you can score another damned pun? That's it! I'm making arrangements with the authorities to have you committed. :lol:

Thanks Rodger, the most expensive pun I have ever done as those Phantoms don't come cheap.

I asked the station commander for another but he said I haven't a ghost of a chance!:wacko:

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12 hours ago, Stillwater said:

A fantastic looking plane this ghost is. As long as in one piece.


I knew you had a classical education and knew all musicals.


Impossible. It was Martyn at the sticks!

Not only does Sir Andrew compose great musicals but he makes excellent BBQs too:blink:

It cannot of been pilot error as the station commander said that I am no pilot!:wacko:

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8 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Wow.  I didn't know it would do that Martyn, that's cool.

That makes two of us Jack.

I lowered the flaps on my beautiful York yesterday coming into Southend.

I got a warning message about dropping the flaps a too great a speed and the plane did a starboard spiral into the ground.

It was quite spectacular too.

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