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Amin de mood and scary monsters


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Yet another leg(yawn) on my trip around the Mount Isa area.

This time it is from Rocklands to Undilla.



If you remember we were warned about all of the nasty things we may encounter during the night. So we slept with one eye opened listening to creatures slithering, scuttling, dashing along with the splintering of tree branches. Worse was the high pitched screaming noise and the blinding lights at 3am. Was this the elusive and mysterious Min Min Light.



Amongst the nasties was the Clown Fish but for those with a keen eye and a knowledge of unpleasant characters would have noticed instead the photo of Idi Amin, President of Uganda in the 1970s.


Enough of this , it is time to find our aeroplane for the next leg to Undilla.



Holy snapping waterfowl droppings. Here is the Clown Fish we were warned about with a face that not even his mother would love.



Getting ready to take off with Camooweal on the horizon.



This very handy plane barely uses up any runway before heading off into the dawn sky.



A last glance at Rocklands with the Trees along the forks of the Georgina River just to the right of the Skyvan



Crossing the border between RTX AU Red and Green passing over the Gregory Downs - Camooweal Road Hwy 78.



Plenty of grass which makes the Barkley Tablelands such good cattle country. Sadly we are in the middle of a prolonged drought over here so the landscape would look more like the moon.



Dropping down preparing to land at Undilla with Hwy 78 again.



This is the airstrip for Rocklands Cattle Station.



Taxying in after a pleasant dawn flight and the Skyvan proving what an excellent STOL plane it is.


I hope you enjoyed this outback flight

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Well now Martyn, very interesting no doubt, but looks like Australia should set the scenery slider a bit higher in that area! :rollmyeyes::lol:   You have captured the essence of the outback in these posts and that livery is just the cats meow! :D   The Min Min light article was very interesting also Thanks!

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I always love to see clown fish ... also in the air :P   


Jack they are absolutely no poisonous ... but could bite you to defend their animon...(I had the experience many years ago when snorkeling too close  ... just a tiny cut at one finger B))


and so Martyn, you are lucky ! you have seen the min min light :o ... how many drinks before ?  :lol:

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