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22 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

Very nice set Martyn, and the F-27 looks marvelous in those Ansett colors:) 

Thank you Landon, Ansett had several liveries that I liked and this was one of the best.:D

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14 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Cool shots Martyn!  What time of year was it?  It looks like the fields are dry, was it fall or winter or is it always like that?

Thanks Jack,  it was summer.

It is as dry as a dead dingoes d***er in this part if the world in the summer.:o

Unless you are in an irrigation area the ground will be parched.;)

It does green up in the winter with the cooler weather and some rain.:)

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8 hours ago, Stillwater said:

So good to see your OZx test flights proceed with success. I enjoy the documentation just as much as testing myself!

Thank you Gerold, every time I install one I am very relieved to see it appear on the sim.

A slow process as I only install one at a time in case something catastrophic occurs.:)

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10 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Thanks Jack,  it was summer.

It is as dry as a dead dingoes d***er in this part if the world in the summer.:o

Unless you are in an irrigation area the ground will be parched.;)

It does green up in the winter with the cooler weather and some rain.:)

That's right, I stupidly forgot the seasons are topsy-turvy.  :wacko:

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