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Over 700 miles to Alice

Jack Sawyer

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Well, I left Broome and flew to Alice Springs.  What a nice flight.  


Forgot almost all I knew about flying the Dash 8 so I flew in heading and altitude hold, dialed in the ILS and hand landed.  What a delightful flight.





























































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1 minute ago, Iain Emms said:

Grand set indeed Jack.



Thanks Iain!

1 minute ago, BradB said:

Some great shots over a whole lotta nuthin Jack . :):o;):D





Thanks John, yeah but it's beautiful because there's no cities or anything man made.  Stark beauty.

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4 hours ago, Caluma65 said:

Superb journey Jack.  Cheers,



Thanks Calum!

3 hours ago, Orbxtreme said:

Well done, superb shots Jack. The Dash-8 looks perfect in that Australian setting.

Thanks François!  I think so too, this livery is my favorite.

3 hours ago, mikee said:

Super Set Jack ! I Like the plane a lot !

Thanks Mike!

2 hours ago, stewart1 said:

super set of screen shots Jack i enjoyed your trip and you did not go inverted are you ok regards stewart

Thanks Stewart, on a different test flight I tried but with this plane, it's virtually impossible.

2 hours ago, Sammy H said:

Another wonderful set Jack.  I too will be heading to Alice Springs soon as my Military VA is down under currently.  If I see a yellow bird parked there I will be sure to look for you at a local watering hole :)

Thanks Sammy!  You see me I'm buyin' the beer!

2 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

Terrific captures, two or three showing the descent would have my vote in the screenshot contest.

Thanks Lars, very kind of you to say!

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Excellent set Jack and you show off the vast out back really well.

5 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks John, yeah but it's beautiful because there's no cities or anything man made.  Stark beauty.

Quite a few mines and airstrips to see flying across the vast Red Centre Jack. I always enjoy looking out for them as well as some fantastic lakes and rugged topography.

Some 3 1/2 hours of an 8 1/2 hour flight to Thailand is over Australia!:)

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4 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent set Jack and you show off the vast out back really well.

Quite a few mines and airstrips to see flying across the vast Red Centre Jack. I always enjoy looking out for them as well as some fantastic lakes and rugged topography.

Some 3 1/2 hours of an 8 1/2 hour flight to Thailand is over Australia!:)

I was at 25,000 ft. so it would have been difficult to see them.  But still, it's pretty empty and I like it that way.  I also like that it's called the Red Centre.  It fits it well.  Until I started flying Down Under I never realized just how large the continent really is.  I mean it's about the size of the States isn't it?

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The US is 3.8 mil sq miles while Oz in 3 mil. but both roughly the same size across.

Yes, it is amazingly empty and when I am up in the air I wonder what it is like on the ground where I am looking down on.

It is so empty that anything man made sticks out like doggies dooh dahs! It is surprising how vehicles can easily be seen on the roads, especially dirt roads.

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2 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

The US is 3.8 mil sq miles while Oz in 3 mil. but both roughly the same size across.

Yes, it is amazingly empty and when I am up in the air I wonder what it is like on the ground where I am looking down on.

It is so empty that anything man made sticks out like doggies dooh dahs! It is surprising how vehicles can easily be seen on the roads, especially dirt roads.

Thanks for that image Martyn!  :lol:  But when I was flying over it in the sim and came down closer to Alice and saw all those trees, I thought there must be water under ground.  It's so remote and I wonder how someone chose to make it home.  I mean it's like in the geographic center of the country isn't it?  I really wanted to make a very long flight in the Q400 to see how the PC would handle It with maxed sliders and it worked perfectly.

Imagine living in Alice Springs?  It would be interesting for sure.

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15 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks for that image Martyn!  :lol:  But when I was flying over it in the sim and came down closer to Alice and saw all those trees, I thought there must be water under ground.  It's so remote and I wonder how someone chose to make it home.  I mean it's like in the geographic center of the country isn't it?  I really wanted to make a very long flight in the Q400 to see how the PC would handle It with maxed sliders and it worked perfectly.

Imagine living in Alice Springs?  It would be interesting for sure.

Heaps of scrub out there Jack but next to the river courses you will find trees.

The Overland Telegraph and then gold were the main reasons for settlement.

The geographical centre is 200km south of Alice, The Lambert gravitational centre.

Interesting yes, good no. Alice is not the greatest place to live for reasons I cannot say here.:rolleyes:

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12 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Heaps of scrub out there Jack but next to the river courses you will find trees.

The Overland Telegraph and then gold were the main reasons for settlement.

The geographical centre is 200km south of Alice, The Lambert gravitational centre.

Interesting yes, good no. Alice is not the greatest place to live for reasons I cannot say here.:rolleyes:

I think I know the reason.  But still very interesting no doubt!

And what is this fascinating Lambert gravitational centre?

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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

I think I know the reason.  But still very interesting no doubt!

And what is this fascinating Lambert gravitational centre?

Er, yes. You are right Jack!:lol:


The Lambert Gravitational Centre was a project by the Royal Geographical Society to celebrate the Bicentennial to find the geographical centre of Australia. Readings were taken from 24,500 points from the coastline at high water to determine the centre point of Australia. There have been 5 different results over the years using 5 different methods to calculate where the centre is!:)


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2 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Er, yes. You are right Jack!:lol:


The Lambert Gravitational Centre was a project by the Royal Geographical Society to celebrate the Bicentennial to find the geographical centre of Australia. Readings were taken from 24,500 points from the coastline at high water to determine the centre point of Australia. There have been 5 different results over the years using 5 different methods to calculate where the centre is!:)


Thanks Martyn, that's fascinating.  I wonder why they didn't just use satellite data?

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