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Hello , 

This Screenshots i take today at Munich Airport . This Winter Textures are totally sad. 

What can be the reason for this ? 

I Use P3Dv4 , FTX Global Base, OpenLC Europe, FTX Global Vector and also FS Global Ultimate. 

The Gras Textures are from Envtex . 


Thanks for Help . 






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3 minutes ago, Holger Sandmann said:

Hi there,


welcome to the "shotgun" transitions of the default seasons control file: https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/86437-season-transition-problems/



Cheers, Holger

Hi Holger


Just out of curiosity, I am assuming that this is not related to detail1.bmp file corruption.  ( I really messed up my FSX once by trying a "new improved" file of rather dubious lineage!).


Oddly , I encountered this type of issue in some areas, as well as some that were just downright nasty!

Everything worked well, until I started flying over snow and then the file corruption became quite apparent.


Thank you




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Hi there,


detail1.bmp is a small "bumpmap" file (located in \Scenery\World\Texture) that the sim's display engine places as a semi-transparent overlay over all land surfaces to give the appearance of more detail than the 1-m resolution landclass ground textures themselves provide. A number of replacement versions exist, often labelled as "grass" textures, which is quite misleading given that it's applied everywhere, not just on airports. If the replacement file has high contrast then that can lead to a very noticeable grid pattern on low-contrast landclass textures such as sand, snow, or ice. 


In any case, the issue shown by Michael has nothing to do with detail1.bmp and is not a defect or corruption either; the sim does exactly what the default seasons control file tells it to do for that month and that location.


Cheers, Holger

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Hello and Good Morning from this Region ;-) 


Thanks Holger for the explanation about this behavior . That means it is not possible to show a "little bit" snowy in the P3Dv4 ? Is it right ? 


Another interessting thing is that the Link from the Forum Post is from 2014 . And it was not possible to solve this behavior till today ?!? 


Thanks again . 



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