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F-4 testing

Jack Sawyer

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Decided to fly the F-4, it's been a long while so I will have to re-learn it.




V1 - Rotate



Positive rate - Gear up



Have some ordinance



Let's land



Boots on and laced!





Uh oh!  Someone let the Dude in the cockpit.  He dropped some ordinance on the runway!  Cleanup on runway 9!




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Wonderful flight  Jack and I cant help laughing that this plane didn't go inverted yet the 717 did! 555

I like the close ups when taking off and the incredible detail on this jet.

You must read the manual Jack, it is never a good idea on planes like this to say, I wonder what this button does when I press it!:unsure::huh::lol:

But there again it does make for some unusual screen shots.B)

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5 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Wonderful flight  Jack and I cant help laughing that this plane didn't go inverted yet the 717 did! 555

I like the close ups when taking off and the incredible detail on this jet.

You must read the manual Jack, it is never a good idea on planes like this to say, I wonder what this button does when I press it!:unsure::huh::lol:

But there again it does make for some unusual screen shots.B)

Thanks Martyn!  The pilot was too scared.  :(  Yeah, I gotta read the part in the manual where it says to keep the "Dude" out of the cockpit! :lol:

4 hours ago, BradB said:

Oh Jack , your off to a explosive start this week , I can't wait for what's next . :blink::o:ph34r::lol:





Thanks John!  And, ba, dum, chssssss :lol:

3 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine shots.



Thanks you Iain.

3 hours ago, stewart1 said:

super set of screen shots Jack regards stewart

Thanks Stewart!

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1 minute ago, missleman01 said:

Nice Jack! Where were you? That water looks nice.


Jet does too though, at least until the end. Im sure it will all buff out.

Thanks, hat's he default P3D airport, forget the name now, sorry.  Glad you liked the shots though and the dumping the bombs was just a test to see how MV programmed it, I liked the fireworks. :)

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22 hours ago, adambar said:

Excellent set there Jack! :)

Thans Adam!

21 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Great shots Jack. Amazing detail on that F 4. You can always say you just wanna make sure that the boys and gals are awake when you land.:D

Thanks Karl, yes indeedy, very nice.  Oh, they were awake, they wanted to see live fire, just wasn't ah they were expecting! :lol:

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On 11/20/2017 at 6:18 AM, Jack Sawyer said:

Uh oh!  Someone let the Dude in the cockpit.  He dropped some ordinance on the runway!  Cleanup on runway 9!

Well, you shoulda known better than to let him in the cockpit, he is better fitted in the next picture (and ONLY as a pax).  Other than that you did a heckuva job on the rest of the series. :D



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