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Calgary snow

Jack Sawyer

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Now for some snow, some Canadian snow.  It's a lot different flying when all you have is white below you but still nice.


First leg was CEF4, Airdrie to CEN4, High River




Now, let's see what this airport has to offer in the way of details.  Actually very nice!



Horses of courses!



It must be a snow day, no school!







Very nice detail on the trucks!



Ok, let's go,














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Since I plan to cross Canada soon in P3D from east to west, I just had to look up where you are.

For anybody else who (like me:)) wondered where exactly this is...this is southern Alberta, Calgary Region, covered by FTX Northern Rockies...


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What super set of screen shots again Jack I think you are on a role my friend you have done a fair bit of flying and yet more of that horrible white stuff it is ok for Martyn it is his summer lucky buger and we have winter to come it is going to be a bad one this year plenty of berries on the bushes regards stewart 

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4 hours ago, Rongor said:

I will consider it, still figuring out which aircraft to select, Carenado CT182 or the MV DHC-2. Probably I will pick up a Beaver in Toronto Downsview at the DHC factory after arriving there from Europe.

Th MV Beaver is outstanding in my opinion.

4 hours ago, paulb said:

Excellent post Jack and great shots of the detail ;). Looking at your third shot, did someone confuse black angus beef with horses? :)

Thanks Paul!  Ah, yes I see that now.  Very astute of you to notice, very cool detail is it not?  I mean we can read the signs, I love it.

1 hour ago, stewart1 said:

What super set of screen shots again Jack I think you are on a role my friend you have done a fair bit of flying and yet more of that horrible white stuff it is ok for Martyn it is his summer lucky buger and we have winter to come it is going to be a bad one this year plenty of berries on the bushes regards stewart 

Thanks Stewart.  I will post shots later of my white out flight to Bella Coola, so I've decided to go to Oz on my next flights.

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Despite how it looks I miss it a lot.  You know the song, you don't know what you got till it's gone is apropos.  I'd give anything to move out of this state to a place that has four seasons instead of two, nine HOT summer month, and a three month "fall".



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