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Cloverdale to Sonoma

Jack Sawyer

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9 hours ago, adambar said:

Super set of shots Jack, well done! :)

Thanks Adam!

9 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Outstanding shots Jack!!!!!!!!  Your scenery looks great.

Thank you John!

9 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Wowser Jack. Awesome shots. Beautiful little plane.:)

Thanks Karl!

8 hours ago, medx421 said:

Beautiful Jack.  Get yourself a delicious steak at the Sky Lounge while you're there!

Thanks Medx, I'd love to, sounds delicious!

7 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Glorious set Jack.

I especially like #10 with the low clouds over the mountains.

Excellent ground views at Sonoma too.:)

Thanks Martyn!  I now have my CP camera way out in front of the plane so I can use it to "Bob" around.  Great way to see all the details.

7 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Smashing shots these.



Thank you Iain!

7 hours ago, paulb said:

Great set of shots Jack! :). I enjoy seeing all of the detail.

Thanks Paul, me too! 

6 hours ago, BradB said:

Marvelous shots Jack , I finally got my internet back this PM . The snow has played havoc with the power and fiber internet . :):ph34r::angry:





Thanks John, good gravy, that much snow?  Glad you're back up but mail me some snow or at least some cold.  It'll be in the 90's this week which is really strange, never seen anything like this.  I'd love to trade places!

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