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49OR to OG39 in OF2 beta

Jack Sawyer

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Beautiful set Jack and great to see you showing us every ORBX airport.

You have quite a few to visit, have you hit any problems yet?

You do things differently over there I the US as we only use R-22s for our cattle or buffalo mustering.:o


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Jack, last time I was at OG39 the runway was the normal grey with normal markings & tire marks, yours looks like all tire marks :D!  I can’t answer how to fix it but I’ll bet someone here will before too long.  Great shots otherwise!

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44 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Beautiful set Jack and great to see you showing us every ORBX airport.

You have quite a few to visit, have you hit any problems yet?

You do things differently over there I the US as we only use R-22s for our cattle or buffalo mustering.:o


Now that's flying!

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Great shots Jack! :). I certainly welcome you showing these shots of all of the airports. 

Do you think that black bit could a texture that hasn't loaded? I will try mine in FSX for you later to see.

(edit - same texture but see post below.)

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8 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Beautiful set Jack and great to see you showing us every ORBX airport.

You have quite a few to visit, have you hit any problems yet?

You do things differently over there I the US as we only use R-22s for our cattle or buffalo mustering.:o

Man, I'd give up all I own to be able to live like this!


Thanks Martyn!

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6 hours ago, paulb said:

Great shots Jack! :). I certainly welcome you showing these shots of all of the airports. 

Do you think that black bit could a texture that hasn't loaded? I will try mine in FSX for you later to see.

(edit - same texture but see post below.)

Thanks Paul, yep, that's my intention.  I'm gonna try again in a little bit and see if I can change things, if not then it's OF2.

6 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Great set of screen shots Jack in the second  shot that cow looks like it does not trust you keeping a eye on you my friend I hope you are not wearing red regards stewart

Thanks Stewart, actually I was very surprised to see them and they're animated too.

6 hours ago, paulb said:

Here you go Jack. This is from FSX. It looks like the same texture, but mine is lighter?

I think it could be your settings/shaders?

Thanks Paul

5 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Very nice indeed.



Thank you Iain.

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8 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Great shots Jack. But man you'all shouldn't scare them cows:D. Also if you land there make sure you look before stepping out of that twirly thing you're flying so you wont step into a"meadow muffin":rolleyes:.

Thanks Karl!  I've never heard that phrase before Karl!  :lol:  Usually I hear #%$*&^ cows!

8 hours ago, Wakashi said:

Jack, last time I was at OG39 the runway was the normal grey with normal markings & tire marks, yours looks like all tire marks :D!  I can’t answer how to fix it but I’ll bet someone here will before too long.  Great shots otherwise!

Thanks Roger, looking into it today...

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