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T-38 Advanced

Jack Sawyer

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56 minutes ago, Adam Banks said:

Love that last shot particularly!!


I think I only have the original Milviz T-38. I wonder if they'll ever upgrade that one?



Thanks Adam!  I'm not sure, I may be wrong but I thought I read that they weren't, sadly as this is an awesome study level plane.

8 minutes ago, bernd1151 said:

These look fantastic, Jack. Who did this plane?

Thanks Bernd!  This is the MilViz advanced T38, fresly updated for V4.

It flys like the GeeBee!  But it sure is fast.

I worked on just one and I always remember how razor thin the leading edge of the wing was.

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Good news: I re-downloaded my original archive to find that it had been upgraded to the T-38 ADV! Installed - and looks great (except for the over-zealous polishing of the canopy, LOL!).


Bad news: what on earth did Milviz do to the flight model? It's almost unflyable - and appears to have a roll rate of around 4 billion degrees per second. Has there been a fix for this?



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5 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Fresh out of the box and shining like a new pin.

Beautiful set Jack and that last shot is a ripper.

Thanks Martyn!  This plane has special meaning for me.  But she's a right royal pain to fly.  Worse than the GeeBee.

5 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

Great shots Jack.




Thanks Ruud!

3 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:


Flying at 2.15 am NZT is probably the reason. Your reflexes are shot.:)


:lol:  I would almost agree TTM but it really is almost impossible.  It's like that silly GeeBee, you really have to keep the speed very very high to keep control of it.  I saw some real world YT's and you really do have some very high landing speeds.  It reminds me a lot of the L-39. 

2 hours ago, igal said:

I bought it today too wow nice the last one:wub:



Thanks igal!  It really is a pretty and very well designed jet isn't it?  I used to love the Space Shuttle days when the astronauts all flew the T-38's from Houston to Florida.  I like this plane a lot.

2 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Super shot Jack the last is fantastic regards stewart

Thank you kindly Stewart!

1 hour ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine shots.



Thanks Iain!

37 minutes ago, BradB said:

Your cup runneth over Jack , congrats on your latest buy . :rolleyes::D





Thanks John, I bought it a while ago for 3.4 and. ow they updated it for V4 which is sweet.  All I need now from them is my F-4, and the three copters and I'll be even more happier.

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4 hours ago, Adam Banks said:

Good news: I re-downloaded my original archive to find that it had been upgraded to the T-38 ADV! Installed - and looks great (except for the over-zealous polishing of the canopy, LOL!).


Bad news: what on earth did Milviz do to the flight model? It's almost unflyable - and appears to have a roll rate of around 4 billion degrees per second. Has there been a fix for this?



I agree Adam, looks beautiful but you can't slack off at all in this plane.  You could spend then entire flight spinning in a continuous barrel roll!

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4 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:

Great set Jack

Per the other comments, #4  very curvy  with excellent light reflection highlighting that.


I await with interest your Aerosoft CRJ 700/90 shots:)


Thanks TTM, I don't thunk I'll be buying that one for a long while as I already have four PMDG study level planes and the A2A study level planes.  So I have a lot to do and learn.  But it sure looks tempting!

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2 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks TTM, I don't thunk I'll be buying that one for a long while as I already have four PMDG study level planes and the A2A study level planes.  So I have a lot to do and learn.  But it sure looks tempting!

I read today's release is for field testing so in a month or so most of the bugs should be ironed out.

I'll pass on initial, I have a backlog of updates & V4 versions in aircraft & scenery to catch up on.


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10 hours ago, adambar said:

Looking good Jack! :) I just got a notice they updated the 310 to V4. :D

Thanks Adam, they're moving right along albeit slowly but quality takes time.  What I really want, besides my F-4 is ,y three helos, I really miss chopper flying.  I can explore Orbx's stuff so much easier with a helicopter.

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