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F-4E at Edwards and Meigs

Jack Sawyer

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So I really wanted the new updated F-4E from MV but I couldn't use it because I didn't have the latest hotfix for P3D and it caused me tons of CTD's.


So I went to back to the old one.  Then MV sends me an email saying I could upgrade for $14 to their new Advanced F-4E and it will run in my version of P3D because of something called "hooks."  No idea what hooks are but this thing has some really new and improved stuff especially the flight dynamics.  No longer does it fly like the GeeBee!  It's well behaved and well worth it.  It has something called TacPac if you want it but I don't use that stuff. 


So here I was at Edwards and Meigs.  And I LOVE meigs!








I just LOVE the look of this iconic jet!





I know, an F-4 at Meigs but Meigs is so darned fun, it's beautiful!










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Glorious set Jack.

One of the best looking jet fighters ever made, a beautiful sight in the air.

It wasn't the wind rattling the windows in the Windy City.

A shame you did not have any ordnance under the wings, there is one short sighted cretin you could have paid a visit too.

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11 hours ago, BradB said:

Real barn burner's Jack , make sure you get the latest Nvidia drivers from this week . Good reports coming in on them . :):)





I read that, I'm waiting till I see more good reports as I started a post at PMDG.  Thanks John, glad you like these, I love the F-4 barnburner!

11 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Wow Jack. Awesome shots and what a great looking jet.

Thanks flyingleaf!  One of my favorites.

7 hours ago, adambar said:

That was a nice gesture from MV. :)  She looks amazing Jack, great shots! :)

Thanks Adam but I had to pay $14 for it, what I wanted was two-fold.  One, better flight dynamics, and two it is backwards compatible now because of this "hooks" business, whatever that is.

7 hours ago, paulb said:

Great shots Jack! That Phantom looks good!:)

Thanks Paul!

6 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Grand shots these.



Thank you kindly Iain!

6 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Glorious set Jack.

One of the best looking jet fighters ever made, a beautiful sight in the air.

It wasn't the wind rattling the windows in the Windy City.

A shame you did not have any ordnance under the wings, there is one short sighted cretin you could have paid a visit too.

Thanks Martyn!  I agree, I always imagine what the people in the Pentagon said when presented with such a radical design.  Wings topped up and the tail down.  I have always loved the shape of this jet.  Who is this cretin?

4 hours ago, jury42 said:

Great plane!!!

Thanks Jury!

2 hours ago, Taph said:

Nice set, what no Yellow one :o

Thanks Taph, no, sad to say I didn't have a yellow livery.  :(Wish I did!  

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18 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Martyn!  I agree, I always imagine what the people in the Pentagon said when presented with such a radical design.  Wings topped up and the tail down.  I have always loved the shape of this jet.  Who is this cretin?


The unusual wing design is what stood out for me when I first saw photos of this plane many years ago.

The cretin is the cretin who ordered the bulldozing of the runway one night.:angry:

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These are real beauties, Jack. Can I ask you a question. I fly the MV F4E without any issues in P3D 3.4 and at least for me it behaves great, easy to maneuver, easy to land. It's the one without the latest free upgrade, which I haven't installed yet. Luckily, when I read your comments about it. But what about this new $14 upgrade, is it worth it?

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5 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

The unusual wing design is what stood out for me when I first saw photos of this plane many years ago.

The cretin is the cretin who ordered the bulldozing of the runway one night.:angry:

I know who now. I  agree.  I read all about it, political cronyism and underhandedness at its finest.

3 hours ago, bernd1151 said:

These are real beauties, Jack. Can I ask you a question. I fly the MV F4E without any issues in P3D 3.4 and at least for me it behaves great, easy to maneuver, easy to land. It's the one without the latest free upgrade, which I haven't installed yet. Luckily, when I read your comments about it. But what about this new $14 upgrade, is it worth it?

Thanks Bernd, I also flew the same version in P3D  Then I received and email telling me there was an update so I installed it, went to LOWI and got CTD's after 10 seconds.  So I thought it was LOWI.  Then I went to Meigs, same thing CTD.  So I asked Osh in his emails to me what was wrong.  He said I needed the latest hotfix from P3D.  I didn't want to do this as it's a pain and just for something called SLI which I looked up and don't need.

So, I uninstalled it and reverted back to that version.  Then, a day later I get another email from them that they created an "Advanced" version, like they did with the T-38 which I own.  They gave me a code and I could get $4.00 off the $18.00 price for the upgrade to the Advanced.  The kicker is it doesn't have what they call "hooks" which I have no idea what they are.  But it WOULD be backwards compatible.

So, to make it even longer I decided to buy it and it has a lot of improvements.  Number one is the flight dynamics, it no longer flys like the GeeBee.  So in my opinion it's worth it for two reasons, 1. I don't have to upgrade P3D and 2. it flys better.  There's also a huge list of improvements too.


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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

So, to make it even longer I decided to buy it and it has a lot of improvements.  Number one is the flight dynamics, it no longer flys like the GeeBee.  So in my opinion it's worth it for two reasons, 1. I don't have to upgrade P3D and 2. it flys better.  There's also a huge list of improvements too.

Thanks a lot, buddy

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