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Random F-4 shots

Jack Sawyer

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Some in Boston some in LOWI.  Was testing the F-4 after the "update" caused constant CTD's.  So I reverted back to the older one, good thing for backups.


Plus, this plane is extremely difficult to fly without a joystick, flying it with a yoke is very difficult.  And I wonder if the flight dynamics are like this in the real thing.  Surely it can't be as squirrelly as the GeeBee but it is.


Also set the HDR from 0.65 to .067 per Adam as the PTA was a little too dark when cloudy for my liking.


Anyway, I need to explore LOWI some more, but not in an F-4.






Still no real weather yet.





Now real weather



What a beautiful place.  Imagine living there?  I wonder if you have to be rich to live there?






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Is this the F-4E Jack?

An update has just been released & is meant to fix the P3DV3.4 version issues. 

I run the pre-update F-4E on P3Dv3.4.9.18400 ok. 

Which version of P3D are you on?


The F-4S&J won't run on P3Dv3.9.18400 & I have read of issues with them on P3Dv3.4.22.19868.

Meant to be an update for them coming.

All this chasing the tail, [lockstepping re P3D],  is a bit of a PITA.


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6 minutes ago, TigerTigerM said:

Is this the F-4E Jack?

An update has just been released & is meant to fix the P3DV3.4 version issues. 

I run the pre-update F-4E on P3Dv3.4.9.18400 ok. 

Which version of P3D are you on?


The F-4S&J won't run on P3Dv3.9.18400 & I have read of issues with them on P3Dv3.4.22.19868.

Meant to be an update for them coming.

All this chasing the tail, [lockstepping re P3D],  is a bit of a PITA.


Hi TTM, I had CTD's galore.  

I am using P3D is my version older or newer than your's?  There's so many darned versions it makes my head swim and every LM "updates" something something else breaks.


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1 minute ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Hi TTM, I had CTD's galore.  

I am using P3D is my version older or newer than your's?  There's so many darned versions it makes my head swim and every LM "updates" something something else breaks.


Not sure if your P3Dv3 is older or younger than mine, but I sympathize with the aircraft & scenery coders who have to keep tweaking to just keep up with LM.

My concern with the Phantoms is I thought I read somewhere that when they get the latest  updates out you will have to be on the latest version of P3Dv3.4 for them to work.

However, I would hope they will be backwards compatible (re P3Dv3),  as I have stopped updating P3D each time a new version comes through.

Always seemed to cause issues with something. So when I got it stable I sat on that version.

Waiting for v4.



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Just now, TigerTigerM said:

Not sure if your P3Dv3 is older or younger than mine, but I sympathize with the aircraft & scenery coders who have to keep tweaking to just keep up with LM.

My concern with the Phantoms is I thought I read somewhere that when they get the latest  updates out you will have to be on the latest version of P3Dv3.4 for them to work.

However, I would hope they will be backwards compatible (re P3Dv3),  as I have stopped updating P3D each time a new version comes through.

Always seemed to cause issues with something. So when I got it stable I sat on that version.

Waiting for v4.



I think that's the problem with the MV F-4 and if I have to upgrade P3D to use it I'll just leave the one I have installed, or reinstalled last night after all those darned CTD's.  I'm done with all this messing around all the time.  I just want to fly and fly without OOM's or dealing with VAS.


Just think, when 64 bit comes out I'll no longer need Scenery Config Editor, the VirtualFly VAS monitor, and I'll be able to fly confident I won't have any OOM's.  How often do you hear of people having OOM's in XP11?  Or DSC World? I don't have either but I have never heard of anyone I know who uses them having to even mention OOM or VAS.


It will be really good to have a 64 bit P3D with Orbx stuff and I don't care if I have to fly just default planes, I'll NEVER go back.  This is one of the main reasons I don't hardly fly anymore.  Lately all it seems I do is test this or that.


And it's a huge pain getting a flight set up.


I have to do this:


Run SCE to deselect everywhere on Earth I WON'T be flying.

Run the Saitek app for my yoke and pedals.

Run AS16

Run TrackIR

Run P3D and load the plane.


It seems to me I could go for a hike in the forest faster than do all this and it's getting old, real old.


Sometimes it's just not worth the bother.

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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

What a beautiful place.  Imagine living there?  I wonder if you have to be rich to live there?

Don´t worry, Jack, Innsbruck has relatively normal cost levels, and the supermarkets get you supplied like anywhere else around.


But all these noisy warbirds around make you crazy, recently even an old F-4 was heard in the valley!

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25 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

Don´t worry, Jack, Innsbruck has relatively normal cost levels, and the supermarkets get you supplied like anywhere else around.


But all these noisy warbirds around make you crazy, recently even an old F-4 was heard in the valley!

:lol: Yep, that was me!  And it sure is noisy.  I'd love to go to Innsbruck for a visit someday.  Have too many other issues I'm dealing with and I can fly for free no less!  Anywhere I want to go but I don't travel anymore.  Such is life.

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Screenshots with the tweaked HDR look good, Jack!


I added a line to the "Customise/tips" section of my PTA notes:

Too dark in fully overcast conditions? Temporarily raise the HDR Brightness value (in P3D) or (in PTA) slightly raise the values of Objects lighting/Ambient sunlight ratio and Terrain lighting/Ambient sunlight ratio.


I had a quick fly of the F4 on a friend's PC (I don't have it myself) and found the flight model extremely twitchy/unrealistic. The roll rate is comparable to a Pitts Special!



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1 minute ago, Adam Banks said:

Screenshots with the tweaked HDR look good, Jack!


I added a line to the "Customise/tips" section of my PTA notes:

Too dark in fully overcast conditions? Temporarily raise the HDR Brightness value (in P3D) or (in PTA) slightly raise the values of Objects lighting/Ambient sunlight ratio and Terrain lighting/Ambient sunlight ratio.


I had a quick fly of the F4 on a friend's PC (I don't have it myself) and found the flight model extremely twitchy/unrealistic. The roll rate is comparable to a Pitts Special!



Thanks Adam, I brought it up from 65 to 67 and that works just fine.  This way I don't have to mess with the PTA settings.


Yeah, I read a lot of comments on YT that it's not very realistic, this is what I've been saying for a while, that's it flys, to me at least, like the GeeBee!  And their t-38 too.  I wonder if it's the sim or the plane?  I guess I could get used to it, you need a very light touch and constant power monitoring.


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Great set Jack! :)

I agree with you, this constant tweaking and fixing can be a real pain. I hate CTDs. If I start getting it with a particular aircraft then that one gets retired forever.

Luckily I seem to avoid many OOM errors. But then I usually fly from the smaller airports and a complex aircraft for me would be (say) the Flight1 B200.

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10 hours ago, BradB said:

Perfect settings Jack , really spot on !! .





Thanks John!  I like this F-4, hard to fly though and this is a different livery for me, it was night so you know when you try to select a plane in the main screen, even if you set the time you want to fly as day?  I didn't see that old bluish/green color.  So when it loaded I thought that's a different livery and I kept it for the flight.

9 hours ago, paulb said:

Great set Jack! :)

I agree with you, this constant tweaking and fixing can be a real pain. I hate CTDs. If I start getting it with a particular aircraft then that one gets retired forever.

Luckily I seem to avoid many OOM errors. But then I usually fly from the smaller airports and a complex aircraft for me would be (say) the Flight1 B200.

Thanks Paul.  Yes, I despise 32 bit sims anymore.  I'd rather have a root canal done without anasthetic than deal with this low IQ 32 bit sim anymore.


I will jump for joy with unfettered jubilation when I have P3D 64.  I don't get OOM's anymore thanks to Scenery Config Editor, that has really changed the entire sim and still many thanks to Mr. Nick Cooper, he helped me learn it.



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21 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:


Thanks Paul.  Yes, I despise 32 bit sims anymore.  I'd rather have a root canal done without anasthetic than deal with this low IQ 32 bit sim anymore.


LOL! :lol: I love the comparison Jack! Classic! :D

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