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Galveston up to Houston


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Carrying on from my previous visit to Galveston, going to head up to Houston and George Bush Intercontinental. Just a short hop, but took me several attempts due to OOMs (so the weather may not be consistent). Here's the area again -




Starting just past Galveston








quite a built-up area, by the looks of things


but not without its green spaces (at least according to ORBX)






Downtown coming up






Some of those unconvincing Vector features below




Heading in to George Bush now






Had a bit of a rest up for a few hours, then thought I'd take something a bit more comfortable for the next leg.








But by now I'm getting a bit fed up with the OOMs and gave up. I was going to fly to Chicago, and may yet try that after a bit of fiddling around.




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Nice series....flying on the Houston area was helped by openLC NA. The default FSX scenery showed its age. Houston has expanded dramatically in the past 10 years.

OpenLC NA reflects the that growth and shows the correct size and elements of the Houston metro area.

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You were too early for the Super Bowl, but maybe you even return with some Cheerleaders on board?


PS: Surprising to read your OOM issues: The plane looks quite simple, and your rig should be better than mine. Plus, I have a heavy add-on for KIAH active.

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35 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

PS: Surprising to read your OOM issues: The plane looks quite simple, and your rig should be better than mine. Plus, I have a heavy add-on for KIAH active.

The DH is certainly quite basic, the Falcon might be a bit more intensive. I'm guessing the density of the autogen around this area is what's doing it. I am maxed out on all the scenery sliders and mesh settings, plus I'm running 4k display which I assume also adds to the overhead in these circumstances. I'm slowly getting around to actually measuring and testing when these happen, but usually I'm having too much fun to bother!

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