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Connie flight Lake Tahoe to Redding

Jack Sawyer

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I just started her up and had the engineer do it all.

I used the default A/P but I am going to get the hang of that Sperry monstrosity.

Flew from KTVL to KRDD and it was a great flight BUT, I had Adam's latest PTA 20_06 but I forgot to change the HDR settings so if it looks different that's why.

AS16 on - default P3D clouds - Orbx Global - Vector - N/A LC - Trees - and all that good stuff.

Enjoy your flight.  No yanking' and banking' this time, it was a pleasant flight.







































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9 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Smashing shots indeed Jack.



Thank you Iain!

9 hours ago, Voyager said:

Amazing screenshots.


iPhone - Tapatalk

Thanks Voyager!

9 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Mind-blowing and peaceful series only interrupted by the passenger squeek and squawking ;)

Thanks Erik!  :lol:. Yeah, everyone needs something!

9 hours ago, PDX Flyer said:

Lots of Connie shots today.  I am enjoying seeing the West Coast scenery.  Love the route you took.  The Sierra Nevada's are such a great area.


See you in the "Funny Papers".

Thanks PDX, I too love that route as I just recently bought both of these and thought why not?  More comics soon, have some ideas but they're a lot of work, but worth it.

9 hours ago, RJ said:

Exciting screenshots, Jack. :)


Thank you RJ!

5 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Wonderful set of shots from your flight Jack.

Excellent quality shots interspersed with some great comedy, well done.

Thanks Martyn, that brightens my day mate!

5 hours ago, Chunk said:

Great shots Jack!

Thanks Chunk!  Appreciate it.

45 minutes ago, adambar said:

Excellent set of shots Jack! :)

Thank you Adam!

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5 hours ago, Guinea-Pig on Glideslope said:

Good Shots, Jack. Number 4 is my favorite.

Thanks GPoGS!  Glad you liked them!

5 hours ago, tom2rific said:

so glad you're on these forums Jack....taking in each pic and then...wasn't expecting that ! ..got a good laugh from me..

wonderful set..all of them...7 is up there !    :)



Thanks!  I really appreciate your kind words Tom.

3 hours ago, bvdboomen said:

Lovely set. I had a really good laugh when reading the comic! :D

Thanks bvdboomen!  I'm glad ya'll had a laugh.

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2 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Oh what a beautiful plane this is. Plus the (obvious) great sceneries...

It sure is Gerold.  They really designed something quite attractive with those sleek curving lines.  This is a plane that you look at and just know it was meant to fly. Unlike, say, a B-52. :huh:


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