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Phenom 100 at KAVX

Jack Sawyer

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2 hours ago, ve2dgz said:

Now we know. Nice set.


Thanks, it indeed can.  Needs a good approach though, and I was in a rush to try this too.

2 hours ago, Ken Hall said:

great flying Jack, i picked up this beauty on sale a few days ago, makes commuting a tad faster, wonderfull shots



It's a beauty and with the GTN in it you can't go wrong.  I love this little beauty, imagine owning a real one?  

2 hours ago, PDX Flyer said:

Nice shots Jack of some very nice scenery.

Thanks PDX, it sure is one of Orbx's finest!

2 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Wonderful airmanship Jack, and beautiful shots too.

Nice to have blue skies sometimes but I still cut the viz down to 20km.

My try in the C-47 ended in tears, shall try again when I am more alert.:mellow:

Thanks Martyn!  Yeah, like a lot of other guys it was socked in yesterday morning when I made this test flight, so off goes AS16, it was summer and blue skies.  I will have to try the C-47 but with such a short runway and the nose so high being a taildragger it's still hard for me.  I find choppers easier.  I'm amazed they still use DC-3's for daily supplies?  I hope they bring in lawnmower parts. ^_^

2 hours ago, RJ said:

Superb shots! :)

Thanks RJ!

17 minutes ago, bernd1151 said:

Excllent screenies, Jack. Well done with your flying

Thanks Bernd!  This plane is a joy to fly, it's so nimble but it's fast on approach, no sped brakes, it just doesn't like to land.

14 minutes ago, mikewies said:

Great looking plane and superb shots Jack, glad that you turned off the weather so we could get a good look!

Thanks Mike!  Yeah, the fog was as "thick as peanut butter," "Don't you mean pea soup?" " I'll eat what you want and you eat what you want!"  Yukon Cornelius from Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer!

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4 hours ago, dolf8857 said:

Nice shots Jack!

Thanks Dolf!

29 minutes ago, mikee said:

Great Shots Jack !

Thanks Mike!


22 minutes ago, TigerTigerM said:

Ok Jack

Let's see you get the Phenom 300 in there.

It's currently on sale, I think.:)


I'd buy it TTM if i could fit it out with a GTN750.

FMS's make me weary.  Too much work.

I'd bet I could do it though. :)

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