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A special offer...


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.. in our local supermarket was the inspiration for this flight:


So I took off to look for the Ginger...


... but found only sugar cane.


And even on the front door the Bundy works hide the special alcohol free product, they only promote the well-known one.


After drinking I can say, not promoting the ginger brew is a good tactic. I´ll never buy it again... :wacko:


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Great spirited shots Gerold. Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy your GB.

Had a tour around the factory in Bundaberg in 1997, very interesting.:)

I like the Ginger Beer but even more the rum, Bundy and Coke is a very refreshing drink in the summer.:blink:

Brought a bottle of liqueur at their shop too, absolute nectar:wub:

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Thank you, @Iain Emms, @RJ and @Voyager !


7 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Great spirited shots Gerold.

"spirited", indeed. Well, at least the GB is not my taste. But I could join you for the Bundy-Coke-mix...


4 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

What a cool idea, a beer for inspiration and then tracking the cane fields and the factory.  Great way to set a goal for a flight, I really like the idea!

We should try to find othe places in Orbx scenery with the same kind of inspiration. Scotland would have been a chance...


3 hours ago, dolf8857 said:

Great shots from the nice trip Gerold!

Thanks, Dolf!


1 hour ago, flyingleaf said:

What no alcohol? No thanks. Great shots though.

Even if is wasn´t my taste, it did not confuse my flying skills. At least one advantage...

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