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Hazy 146 - just the one

Adam Banks

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I'm delighted to say all my complex (meaning troublesome) aircraft seem to have survived the P3Dv3.4.9 client upgrade. The QW BAe146/Avro RJ has given me a few headaches in the past, but it goes like a dream now. Even the flaps work!




I don't think a still shot gives the complete story. There was a slight haze - even in the foreground - and not associated with any nearby cloud or other fog "feature". It was really quite faint - and I don't remember seeing this kind of subtlety before. All these years of simming and it still manages to surprise me :lol:!


Mooched about a bit then managed to land successfully at NZWN. Just as well the 146 is a forgiving beast!



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I had mine packed away in the hangar because of the flaps issue in P3D.. Just noticed on the Just Flight website that they are offering it again, but saying this time that it is P3Dv3 compatible - however, the Flight 1 site says it is only P3D v1.4 compatible!. I guess I'll just follow your lead and reinstall it and see what happens!



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Confusing, isn't it - when Just Flight sell their own 146 and the Quality Wings one on the same site!


You best bet is to trawl around for QW 146 related posts in the various forums to see what the procedure is. Don't be put off by [old] comments from QW themselves where they say it's not compatible etc.



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Great shot Adam, I've been trying to find someone to help me go from 3.2 to the latest but I have a lot of stuff and don't want it broken.  Don't even know where to begin as I originally installed 3.2 the very day before they went to 3.3 and haven't upgraded it once for fear it may break something.  I'm not that knowledgeable in these things.


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Don't worry, Jack - just go for it. Plenty of sources out there (apart from from in the LM/P3D forums) for info, but the update shouldn't touch any of your installed add-ons (aircraft or scenery) - regardless of whether they're in P3D root or not. You'll need to uninstall Client, Content and Scenery from the main Windows CP first (as you do each one). None of your stuff in your user folders gets touched either. However - I always make backups of key files, just in case: pepar3d.cfg, dll.xml and the modules folder. Make a note of any scenery/weather themes you may be using, as the Content/Scenery updates will replace default textures. None of your existing ORBX stuff will be touched.


If you've made any changes to the *default* aircraft (added liveries etc.) then make backups of the aircraft.cfg files. They may get over-written. I *think* your liveries/textures folders will be ignored.


Don't forget to update FSUIPC and other utils to the latest versions.



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29 minutes ago, Adam Banks said:

Don't worry, Jack - just go for it. Plenty of sources out there (apart from from in the LM/P3D forums) for info, but the update shouldn't touch any of your installed add-ons (aircraft or scenery) - regardless of whether they're in P3D root or not. You'll need to uninstall Client, Content and Scenery from the main Windows CP first (as you do each one). None of your stuff in your user folders gets touched either. However - I always make backups of key files, just in case: pepar3d.cfg, dll.xml and the modules folder. Make a note of any scenery/weather themes you may be using, as the Content/Scenery updates will replace default textures. None of your existing ORBX stuff will be touched.


If you've made any changes to the *default* aircraft (added liveries etc.) then make backups of the aircraft.cfg files. They may get over-written. I *think* your liveries/textures folders will be ignored.


Don't forget to update FSUIPC and other utils to the latest versions.



Thanks Adam, this is still over my head shamefully to say.  I'm more of a pilot than an updater kind of guy.  It just seems like a lot of work.  I might get to it someday if I get motivated enough but with health problems I'm more inclined to just fly and have fun.  This is the only part of the hobby I don't like.  That's why I like Orbx's new FTX Central coming out, it makes things even easier.


But I will save this so I can refer to it later if needs be.



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Fair enough, Jack - but, believe me, the process is harder to describe here in a fourum than it is to actually do! The great thing about P3D over FSX is the revised update procedure: it really does update what it needs and leaves the rest well alone.



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