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Another tour to fill the time...


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Day 3. Download 3 ready. Time enough for a little challenge... not in a Challenger, but in a similar appropriate type:


That was tight. At 9000 ft, full throttle.


Colorado River in pure FTXG, not (yet) with Open_LC.


Passing along Maurizios Grand Canyon photoscenery...


... and into SoCal, just south of Las Vegas.


Over the sea of buildings...


... and into 7L. With a successful approach - but with the KLAX buildings not showing up properly. After reinstall of the orbxlibs & re-sorting the sequence in scenery.cfg (according to the guideline) it was fine again.



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11 hours ago, BradB said:

Hopefully you will get some shots in from the new LC this year Gerold . Any while you wait , we will applaud your latest shots from the old Global . :D:D






^_^ Absolutely John. May the internet be with you Gerold :D

Dat third shot is awesome!


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23 hours ago, BradB said:

Hopefully you will get some shots in from the new LC this year Gerold . Any while you wait , we will applaud your latest shots from the old Global . :D:D



Final download done, now I am up to installing and testing. KIAH failed, btw...


23 hours ago, Voyager said:

Anyway you got very nice screenshots!


iPhone - Tapatalk

Thanks V-ger, at least the current sim is a good basis...


23 hours ago, Kasi31 said:

Great shots Gerold, even without openLC NA. I think we had the same thoughts today. I took of with the same bird (just with another livery) from the same airport today.

Good coordination, it seems. Did you also need to make use of the entire runway?


21 hours ago, RJ said:

Out of this world shots, Mr. Gerold! :)

Thank you, RJ!


17 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Top class shots Gerold.

I like the cap with the reflections over the Colorado River.

These vector data have already done so much for flying, and the Colorado bows are fascinating.


14 hours ago, bvdboomen said:

Great set! Now I see what you meant in my topic regarding the textures. They are great already! :)

Thanks, good to read my impression was not totally off track. We will see other places with much bigger differences to openLC, I am sure...


11 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

^_^ Absolutely John. May the internet be with you Gerold :D

Dat third shot is awesome!

It was with me, though slow. As written above, I enter the next phase now...


5 hours ago, JS07 said:

They're all good but I love the last one, beautiful on final shot!

Thank you, Jack! And this one was taken totally without any airport building!

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