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Lots of clouds and a little rain...

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... but no trees around in this area. Taking off from Edwards North Base...


... across Hyundai test area...


... and the rivals from Honda are also there.


Crossing the border to Maurizio´s photoreal area, ...


... with Coso´s Geothermal plant...


... and Owen´s Lake.


Climbing over Lone Pine...


... to overlook the Sierra Nevada - but no chance to see King´s Canyon with this weather.2016-4-30_19-8SierraNevada.jpg


Back under the cloud layer...


... to Bishop KBIH ...


... and into Mammoth Lake KMMH. Here, finally, we have some visible vegetation. Otherwise it is quite dry behind these mountains.



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3 hours ago, RJ said:

One of those super great ride sets! Loved it! :)


4 hours ago, Voyager said:

Smashing screenshots! I loved this aluminum skin!


From iPad


Thank you, Voyager & RJ.


4 hours ago, PDX Flyer said:

That high level cloud layer looks magical.  You must have enjoyed your flight immensely.  I certainly enjoyed your pics.

Cheers.  PDX

In fact the cloud layer was a problem: It was raining underneath (no surprise, eh?), and I had to climb over it to get across Sierra Nevada. But from above I could hardly see the scenery (and that´s why we are here, aren´t we?). In addition, descending through a cloud layer near mountains is no great pleasure either (ok, this is only a sim...).


4 hours ago, andy1252 said:

Lovely stuff Gerold, and I always really enjoy a bit of travelogue with the shots - it's good to get some names / info for places to look out for when over the area, so thank you.

Thanks for this comment, Andy. My bit of work seems to be welcomed, so I´ll continue.

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23 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Grand set of shots.



Thank you Iain!


3 hours ago, dolf8857 said:

Stunning set Gerold!

Thanks for commenting, Dolf.


18 hours ago, BradB said:

Wow - What a trip , thanks for the tour and the fabulous shots Gerold !! .



Glad you like em, John.


11 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Mammoth set of shots Gerold.

Great to see more of your scenic shots from this area.

Wonderful clouds too.

As mentioned these clouds indeed were a problem during flight... and a pity i did not find any Mammoth!

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20 hours ago, JS07 said:

What a COOL set!  You always have the most amazing shots and always love the descriptions.  Great work.


16 hours ago, Orbxtreme said:

I don't need to open a book anymore. Just have to read your posts! Great set Gerold


Your comments make me smile, mates. And now I got to fly & prepare the next chapter...

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15 hours ago, olderndirt said:

Great views from on high.  That's gotta be the brightest port side position light I've ever seen.

Thank you, OnD. I don´t know why the light effect is so dominant here, but I keep that perspective EZDOCed...

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