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22 hours ago, Voyager said:

Pleasant view! Great shot indeed!


iPhone Tapatalk

Cheers Voyager.

21 hours ago, Stillwater said:

New plane, my friend??

I did my first jet FSX flight in this one from Cardiff to Valley several years ago Gerold. Thought it was time to re install it and blow the dust off the wings!

19 hours ago, BradB said:

And a great shot it is , have a great weekend my friend !! . 





Thanks Brad. Having a 1 day week end today as we had to work yesterday. Hope you are having a great one yourself.

18 hours ago, RJ said:

Stunning shot Martyn. :)

Cheers RJ

18 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Superb shot.



Thanks Iain.

14 hours ago, Republic DC-9 said:

Awesome shots!

Thank you Republic.

10 hours ago, gumbypickett said:

Very nice shot KDK :)



Cheers Enid.

8 hours ago, Adam_NZ said:

Tremendous water!!! I'm guessing that's FSX, as I struggle to get my water to look like that in P3D!



Thank you Adam. You guessed wrong young Sir as it is P3Dv2.4 believe it or not. I am waiting for the day the LM water turns a lovely shade of blue.

6 hours ago, Aussieflyer38 said:

Excellent shot Martyn



Cheers Don.


Many thanks for your great comments. Hope you are all enjoying your week end although for some of us it is very nearly over.

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