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Taking a Gander at Gander


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Many thanks to Mickel for his post with the DC-8.

Thought it was about time I installed the DC-8-50 to 70 and give it a flight.

Went to Gander International which will have a long enough runway for take off.

Many thanks to Larry Isenor for his wonderful rendition of CYQX which is one of the great freeware airports in the latest pack.

What might have been, this DC-8-61 is in a fictional BOAC livery.











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Beautiful shots Martyn. I'd forgotten how big that plane is



Thanks Don, it was huge back in the 60's.



Amazing photos, nicely done!!


Thank you Bermuda



Awww, heck, now I'm going to have to have another go.  Does look pretty, doesn't it.  Last one is my fav - a liner in its natural habitat.

Thanks for giving me the inspiration Mickel.



Great shots (jealous)! I'm having serious frame-rate and OOM issues with some of the JF aircraft in P3Dv2. The DC-8 and Tristar hardly work at all for me :(

Canberra is fine though .... go figure!


Puzzling Adam, had troubles with the DC-8 when it was first installed a while ago but it has worked fine so far this time around. Never had any problems with other JF planes although I don't have the Canberra.



Great shots!

Thank you Ziggy.


Many thanks for your great comments. Glad you enjoyed the shots.

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Very nice!

Thanks Karsten.



Grand shots, might drag her out of my hanger as well :)

Cheers Shaun. Funny how one post from Mickel has given many of us such inspiration.



What a great post Martyn , that is one classic bird you are flying . :smile: :smile:





Cheers Brad, like the DC-8 so much.



Great set these Martyn.



Thanks Iain.



Flying big nice stuff, amazing shots here!

Thanks Dolf.


Great shots, brings back scary memories.

Thanks Francois. Never flew on one, with your comment maybe glad I didn't.



I always loved the stretch DC-8 especially the ones with the upgraded engines like UPS has.  Use to always seen them on the ramp at holiday time when I worked at BWI.

Thank you Sammy. Sadly I never saw a 70 series but plenty of the 60s at LHR and LGW when spotting was easy.



Great shots, Martyn. I need to pull that one out of the hangar, too.

Thank you Azkid, hope to see some shots of your DC-8 flying soon.


Many thanks Gents for your great comments. Mickel has started something here.

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