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Everything posted by craigeaglefire

  1. Well done, Ken a real dedication for flight simulation, good to see…
  2. because MSFS has been such a success, I understand why they are leveraging it in the Xbox/GamePass showcase arena, the very recent FAQ update has helped clarify things, none of us would like wasted $investment into MSFS of the past few years… would be happy to $‘update’ to an enhanced base simulator engine that would fund a better experience with the latest technology - whilst retaining a great deal of backward compatibility… VR enhancements would also be most welcome
  3. the issue is that there are different business Marketplaces, the Microsoft MSFS PC/Xbox Marketplace, the Steam Marketplace, & the 3rd party Marketplaces - like Orbx Central… they are separate entities…
  4. Hi John, @John Heaton obviously, you would HAVE to buy your add on, #1 - using MSFS Marketplace using Microsoft Store PC MSFS version (NOT Steam), #2 - then it will also be available for Xbox, or vice versa… NOT Steam, NOT Orbx Central or Direct YES Windows Store MSFS or Xbox MSFS Marketplace & Yes - I’ve just damned well HAD to PAY $TWICE for the same Orbx add on! that’s, unfortunately, the best they can do for 2023 grade commerce
  5. we Xbox users call it a ‘sunk cost’…
  6. never used Addon Linker, all my addon files are in MSFS Community Folder, am I missing any extra function/s? (all seems to work very well)...
  7. still getting 25 to 150 fps in all the various scenarios
  8. now watching, 1883 - the prequel to Yellowstone series - excellent production & visuals & storyline, & just started the ‘50s Twilight Zone 5 season series, just finished the acclaimed Ted Lasso & Shrinking series, it helps to be broad minded
  9. I can only wonder why? very good to see now some new Orbx staff!
  10. It is very good to see that the Orbs rewards program has been much improved recently - thanks for listening!
  11. Well, as a longtime customer, I’m simply $purchasing elsewhere so often now, the Orbs offer nothing of value…
  12. our world does actually exist with multiple forums/fora, some becoming more popular (judging by the statistics)…
  13. sadly, Orbs are confusing to us... 'points', like those offered by Flightbeam or Contrail have been of far greater direct benefit to me - very effective $discounts...
  14. this is all very good to hear, Don you can be confident that Steam is a worthwhile pathway to MFS enjoyment! Cheers, Craig
  15. all I can say is that deliberately purchased the Steam version from the beginning & it just works, I also note that experienced simmers switched from the MS version to the Steam version after encountering problems… there is a downside - for example, I also have Xbox Series X & Orbx (& other purveyors) purchases from their stores which I use in Steam PC version - I have to then purchase again for the Xbox via the Marketplace - effectively double $charged… Nick Cooper @Nick Cooper can explain this better than I can… so Don - Steam works super smoothly as far as install & updates go (I actually detest the Windows Store install methods for PC - only my opinion)… good luck with it mate!
  16. Hi Don, I certainly hope that you double checked her credentials, & best of luck setting up your new computer you'll find most answers on this Orbx forum site...
  17. Hi Jon, the absolute fact is I have proven for myself that 11GB VRAM is just not enough in all MFS circumstances - sad but true, so I just had to take advantage of the current 3090 with 24GB VRAM opportunity, heck, far less $cash than all my Orbx add ons!
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