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Posts posted by wolfko

  1. 54 minutes ago, MarcusI said:

    Is Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia currently covered by OpenLC Europe? Or it will be part of phase 2 of OpenLC Asia? The map looks weirdly split around that area, if it isn't already covered it by OpenLC Europe it would seem to make more sense to be part of phase 1 and not 2.


    It is not covered by LC Europe and wil be covered by Asia 2 as can be seen in the map incl. in the OP, which makes more sense landclasswise than to be included in part 1.

    • Like 2
  2. These good news are not affecting myself, because I am now exclusively using MSFS and for the past couple of years before XP11 exclusively. But I am delighted for all the P3d users out there. Well done Lars, Gerold and the whole bunch.


    Edit: and of course I am also delighted for the FSX users. :)



    • Thanks 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Sniper31 said:

    Sorry to mislead you Wolfgang, not my intention. And yes, I can see how the hill near Walter Sutton's could have been the guess. 


    No worries mate. :)

    I should have had a closer look at Rob's pic to realize that the mountain was too big to be the one at Walter Sutton's. Also I completely overlooked the tree logs.


    1 hour ago, Sniper31 said:

     But, that hill near 1S2 has messed with me many times when turning around to land, so that is how I knew which hill it was.


    I absolutely know, what you mean. ;)

  4. 2 hours ago, Rasha Tucakov said:

    Who knows?! Maybe those will enter the to do list. There are so many interesting airports in our part of Europe and only 24h in a day. The only thing I can promise is that I'll try to work harder to produce as many god quality addons as I can but lets just work step by step. FS2020 is great new sim platform and it will blossom with new addons in the future for sure. I'm so excited to be part of that.
    Cheers man! 


    Similar statemenrs I have also read from other developers. So from a developer's point of view MSFS must be paradise.

    But not only for developers, it is also paradise for me.

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