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Posts posted by wolfko

  1. 20 hours ago, Dadtom65 said:

    Hi wolfko. I don’t think there’s any difference between 4 sticks of ram or two sticks of ram, that is if you buy them from the same supplier. They are both 32 gig of ram. But one thing is I have heard especially using just the two sticks it’s easier to fit the cooler to your Cpu as some coolers fit real low on the M/Board . I take it your thinking about the new sim as I have been. At the moment I’m just hoping my system will be able to cope, maybe not at full resolution but to be ok until I have the chance to update my computer. Thanks Derek.


    Thank you very much Derek, much appreciated.

  2. I'd like to upgrade my RAM to 32 GB.There have been times when people said 4 x 8 GB is better than 2 x 16 GB. Is this still valid? And if I opt for 4 x 8 will it be okay to buy two exactly the  same 2 x 8 GB sets (same manufacturer, exactly the same type, same series etc.)? Some people say never to use sticks together, which are not out of same package, even if two packages are exactly the same. I'm asking because where I live it is hard to find a 4 x 8 GB Dual Channel DDR3 2133 set. 2 x 16 GB is no Problem to get though.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

  3. 7 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

    Numerous topics merged, this topic pinned for further Microsoft related questions


    Glad to see this post. I was a bit concernd about my memory, when I suddenly saw this topic pinned on top of the forum, with its first post dated back at Aug 5th, but me having the feeling never having seen this thread before. :lol:



  4. 7 hours ago, Seanmo said:

    This new Q&A with the FS devs might answer some of the questions about scenery and free updates to it, the SDK, the 37,000 hand-crafted airports versus the 30, 35 or 40 "Hand-Crafted" airports, the eventual inclusion of helicopters, etc. Very informative.




    Great video! Thank you so much for sharing.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, olibarke said:


    I see expectations have not changed. They are literally making an entire simulator. Orbx make one airport at a time. If you compare the base sims FS9-FSX-P3D-MSFS I think you'll find they're not exactly going half measure.


    Yes, but most of us had the impression that the announced 30/35/40 highly detailed airports will indeed be highly detailed and have today's standard payware quality, which does not seem to be the case, at least not for all of them.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:



    I see that they are, someone new to posting images I might guess, but I also don't see why you would need to do that.

    I see just images, already open and in full view.

    What are you using to view the forum with?


    Hi Nick,  right now I'm on PC (Win 10) and everything is fine. Yesterday I was on Android (Samsung S8). I haven't installed the latest Android update yet, so maybe that was the reason for the issues yesterday. Anyway, thanks for your assistance.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 12 hours ago, KVSandleben said:

    I have seen the Asobo Innsbruck in one of the preview videos on YouTube. They only modeled the airport. The surroundings were left to the algorithm of Blackshark.

    With the Orbx version you also get a lot of custom buildings and landmarks in the actual town and arround the approach, that help you with navigation and getting a feel for the area.


    Yep, correct. And not even the whole airport ist customly modeled, but only the buildings south of the runway. The northern GA and glider area consists only of generic buildings. And there are also trees within the perimeter where there are none in real world. 

    • Like 1
  8. 18 hours ago, FlyingMasterChef said:

    Sorry, I realized I never completed my thought of people are losing out if they wait.  The reason I state that is MOST say they will wait and buy it later. After this or that.  Why not get it now, and SEE this or that fixed or completed as it is done.  


    I completely agree. The more everybody can test MSFS for a whole month for just 1 $ via the XBox game pass (which is also available for PC).

    • Like 1
  9. 22 hours ago, Sundog said:

    I just have a question regarding Innsbruck. The version of MSFS I purchased comes with an "upgraded" Innsbruck. Is that yours, or am I going to have to choose between the upgraded version in the sim and yours? Having said that, with all of the discounts I'll be receiving it won't be that big of a deal, I'm just curious.


    Also, does this mean you guys will be able to make Sitka now?


    Thanks for the previews,



    On a youtube video I have seen the MSFS upgraded version of LOWI looks very disappointing compared to the Orbx versions released for P3d, XP and Aerofly. Orbx LOWI will be a definite buy for me.

    • Like 1
  10. 23 hours ago, christbythesea said:


    I'd like to echo this request please - particularly if one is concerned about possibly using Xbox versions of MSFS at some point.


    It's frustrating to have to choose between MSFS official store and a discount on Orbx store.


    I guess, when Orbx products are sold via the MS Marketplace, Orbx has to pay a commision to MS.

    That's the way it usually works. I think this answers your request.


  11. On 8/9/2020 at 7:28 PM, Nick Cooper said:



    Orbx don't need an image hosting site, Ben used it for the one image, as is his and anyone else's free choice.

    Are you having trouble viewing the image or did you just want to register a complaint?


    Nick, also all the images in the OP are posted through imgur.

    Thus I can only open one pic at a time and have to close it again before I can open hhe next one. A bit inconvenient.

  12. On 8/9/2020 at 4:57 PM, Mawson said:

    I can't see a lot of difference in these screenshots from the other quality Orbx products already for the other sims. I thought this MSFS was going to be a lot better in terms of what the world looks like but I can't see anything more than a marginal improvement on the graphics from p3D v5.


    May I recommend, that you consult an optometrist as quickly as possible.


    • Haha 7
  13. On 8/9/2020 at 4:57 PM, ikbenik said:

    Fantastic....and a bit expected....news and promising for more enhanced airports and cities worldwide. One question remains for me: Innsbruck(LOWI) is announced as part of the handcrafted airports by release of MSFS2020. What will be the upgrade offers above via the Orbx-version and will it pricewise a worthy upgrade?

    Especially London wasn't looking good regarding the landmarks&buildings by default. Now a very worthy enhancement together with London-City airport, a must have for sure. 


    I have seen the enhanced MSFS LOWI on a Youtube video. It actually looked quite poor compared to the Orbx versions in P3d, XP and Aerofly.

    • Thanks 1
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